Chapter 44: A Gripping Desire

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*Y/N's POV*

I wake up from my dream in a slight panic and for a second I forgot I was staying at the Maximoff's. Their recliner was definitely way more comfier than mine. My free arm felt stuck and why was there weight on my lap? I look down and find Wanda sound asleep holding my hand. I smile at myself because I never forgotten how peaceful she looked while she slept. I missed her more than anything, but I knew we needed time for ourselves. Right now, wouldn't be the moment to jump into a relationship again. I needed her to focus on her future and I had the company to stress about taking down Fisk.

I adjust myself a bit hoping to not wake Wanda up but it seems like she's been a light sleeper recently. She groans in her sleep annoyingly that I had moved her out of her comfort, but my legs felt like they've been numb for who knows how long. I chuckle lightly to myself as she gets up in full panic mode.

"Shit Y/n. Im sorry." She sat up on the couch embarrassedly.

"You're okay." I reassured her. She rubs her eyes as she tries to adjust to the light.

"Did you need anything?" She whispered.

"No...but I do need to use the restroom." I said as I slowly get up.

"You could've woken me up."

"I didn't want to." I said as I sat at the edge before standing.

"Why not?"

I sigh to myself and look over in her direction. "Because you just look so peaceful when you sleep. The way you always tuck one hand under your cheek, sometimes you mumble in your sleep, but I always remembered the way your chest moved and I could feel your heartbeat when you slept next to me."

I don't break eye contact with her but I can see her breathing becomes unsteady as to what I was telling her. She was playing with her fingers as she didn't keep eye contact with me.

"You know, when you used to fall asleep before me or if I woke up in the middle of the night and you were still sound asleep...I don't know how to explain it. But, it's as if the chaos to your day just swept away and I could never wake you up because you were finally at peace."

She presses her lips together and smiles at me.

"I don't know what to say Y/n..."

"You don't have to say anything Wands." I whispered as I stood up to go use the restroom. Of course I was still in love with this girl. Harley and I's relationship was different. The love was crazy and unexpected so maybe I didn't know what I was feeling during it. My love for Wanda was completely different. It felt like...home, the feelings were more filtered. I'm not too sure if that's how Wanda feels since I was her first "real" relationship as she said.

I make my way back out to the living room as Wanda had turned on an old sitcom to watch.

"So your mom told me you got an internship." I said as I sat down slowly.

She nods her head without looking away from the tv.

"I did."

"That's great to hear. Where at?"

"The Daily Bugle. I'll be seeing how they get stories and such and maybe even try to write some while I'm there if they're good enough to publish."

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