Chapter 25: Tragedy

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*Wanda's POV*

I woke up the next morning and realized Y/n wasn't by my side. I hear the bathroom door open and turn to face that way and there she was. The most amazing girl drying her hair in the moment. I smile to myself knowing that was my girlfriend. Y/n continues drying her hair with a towel and smiles back to me.

"Good morning sleepy head." She said making her way over to the edge of the bed. The towel is thrown into her laundry basket as she places a kiss on my forehead. She begins rubbing my back softly and I snuggle more into the sheets and close my eyes feeling like I was in heaven.

"Do you wanna go grab brunch with everyone?" She suggested. I sit up leaning my back against the headboard and sigh.

"5 more minutes with you." I pretend to pout reaching for her hands. Y/n chuckles at me and gives my hand kisses.

"Wands it's almost 1:30 in the afternoon." My eyes grow wide and I grab my phone because I didn't believe her.

"Oh my gosh, I slept in sooo late." I started rubbing my eyes because usually I am not a sleep in kind of person. She chuckles and laughs and leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Come on. Go get ready. They're all getting ready at the guest house already." Y/n got up again to go change her outfit as I begin to go take a shower.

I finish my shower and come out to the room and find a note on the bed.

My love,
We'll be downstairs waiting for you. Feel free to pick any clothes you want if you don't have any extra. :)

I smile as I read the message and throw it back onto the bed. I make my way over to Y/n's closet even though I did bring extra clothes. Y/n's style ranged. It was either super girly or a bit more tom boyish of street wear. I find some black shorts and steal one of her white button up shirts and tuck it in the front. After buttoning the last one on the trail of the shirt, I bring the collar up to sniff. It smelled exactly like Y/n and I smile to myself so big. I make my way down as the gang was all there waiting and chatting. Y/n locks eyes with me as I come into the living room. She stands up from her seat and makes her over and holds my arm giving me a kiss on the nose. I scrunch my face at her as I intertwine our hands. She pulls back and looks at me up and down.

"Yeah that shirt definitely looks better on you." She chuckled which only made me laugh. I blush and tilt my cheek to my shoulder receiving the compliment.

"It smells just like my amazing girlfriend." I said giving her a quick kiss.

"You ready to go?" She asked me. I nod my head as the rest of the group gets up to take their car keys. Carol walks by me and pulls me away from Y/n's side.

"So?!" She whispered to me excitedly.

"So what?" I asked.

"How was it?!" I laugh at her curiosity. "It was experience." I said staring into her eyes with my response. Carol shrieks and pulls me into a side hug as we walk out of the door. I see Y/n look over at us.

"Are you riding with Carol babe?"

"I call dibs with Y/n then!" Yelena said rushing over to her car which only makes Y/n laugh.

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