Chapter 10: Blast From the Past

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*Y/N's POV*

I pull up to Wanda's house exactly at 7 and text her that I was here. She comes running out of the door right away as if she was waiting by the window all morning. I chuckle to myself while unlocking my door for her. She jumps in and throws her bag on the floor and is already invading my face with kisses. I laugh at her,

"Well...good morning to you." She smiles back at me biting her bottom lip, "I missed you."

"Wanda it's been one night."

"Rude. Are you saying to me that you did not miss me as much as I missed you?" I shake my head and laugh at her, "I missed you too Maximoff, but I'm trying to keep you out of trouble." I begin to drive us off early enough for us to grab a coffee at school. I pull into the parking lot where it was still half empty since we were a bit early.

"Coffee before home room?"

"Yes please. I would love some." She said excitedly. We head over to the common room and I buy her a coffee as she goes to save us a table.

"Y/n!" I walk over to the counter and grab our coffees as my named was called. I hear the bell ring as the door opens and lock eyes with Jean. I forgot she always comes in early for coffee. She smiles at me and starts walking towards me and looking at my hands both filled with a coffee cup.

"Two coffees huh? You were never one to really drink coffee." I look over at Wanda and I can see she was watching until I glanced over. Jean follows my eyes and turned to see Wanda sitting the table.

"Oh? Coffee with Ms. Maximoff. I'd just be careful if I were you."

"I'm sorry what?"

She leans in closer and glances over to Wanda who is on her phone. "Her family...they're nobodies. You wouldn't want to repeat history now would you Y/n?" Her hand is on my arm thinking that her touch would change my mind. I pull my arm away and some of the coffee comes out of the coffee top.

"Fuck off Jean." I begin walking over to Wanda and dropping her coffee in front of her.

"Oh you have some coffee on your hand." She grabs a napkin and begins wiping my hand. "So, what was all of that about?"

"Nothing." I lied to her even though I was internally furious. I hate the past being brought up and especially comparison. "Is your coffee good?"

"Yes, thank you. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." She takes a pause before asking her question. "Can you still help me with my government homework in home room?" I laughed cause I thought it was going to be more serious. "That was your question?" She laughs, "Yes, please. We obviously didn't get it done, and if I recall you told Mr. Howlett that was what homeroom was for." She wasn't wrong so I told her we could just get going and get started on it.

*Wanda's POV*

Days passed by and today was the girls soccer game. Y/n and I were always together around school but she was busy after school with soccer practice before their big game. They were going to be playing our rivals which meant it would be their biggest game.

Y/n was incredibly intelligent. She had helped me everyday with my school work and I never realized how educated she was until she helped me. Our daily routine was the usual. Morning pickups, sometimes make out sessions in the car before school, sometimes if we bump into each other in the hallway we'd sneak off to the bathroom, but something was still aching my heart. I didn't know what we were and she was still so mysterious at times. I didn't want to ask because I didn't want to ruin what we had. My insecurities would get the best of me and some of the girls would still be all over Y/n. I wanted everyone to know so they would just back off.

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