Chapter 21: Popular

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*Y/N's POV*

We got up earlier than usual to drop off Wanda's parents' car.

"Did Pietro want a ride to school too?" I tried being considerate but I already knew Wanda's answer.

"No. He's fine. He gets his ride from the football team. Just give me a minute. I'm going to go drop the keys off." She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and then quickly runs in. I giggle to myself as I watched her run in. I go on my phone while waiting for her. And just like that the news was already reporting for the girls soccer match tonight. I shut my phone off as I heard the passenger side door open.

"Here ya go my love." Wanda hands a pastry to me.

I chuckle a bit, "ooo what is this?"

"My mom made it! It's a Sokovian pastry. She said it's for good luck today for your big game." She said smiling at me like a little kid.

"Awww how sweet. Please tell her thank you for me babe." I give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"We have extra time. Should we go to the cafe for coffee?"

Wanda gasps, "Y/N Nash, are you asking me out on a date?"

I could only laugh at her, "don't get your hopes up Maximoff." I take off driving us to school. Since we were there a bit earlier there weren't too many cars parked yet. We walk into the cafe as there was no one else in there. I walk up the counter, "Hey Sophie, good morning." I said smiling to her. "Oh, Y/N. I haven't seen you for a while. How are you?" She smiled back and I realized Wanda's reaction with our interaction. I scratch my neck knowing Wanda seemed a tad jealous. "I've been better. The usual for me and a caramel iced latte for my beautiful girl here."

"You got it Y/N. I'll let you know when they're ready." She smiles at Wanda and I as I walk away quickly.

"Oh so you can just order your "usual" and Ms. Sophie knows it right away." I knew she was a tad jealous. I pull out a chair for her and scoot her in,

"Babe, Sophie's family worked for my family's for a bit back then so we used to be super close friends growing up."

"Oh...gosh I feel like an idiot. How come you guys don't hang out anymore?"

"Babe...I don't really hang out with a lot people. Yeah people know me and what not, but after my name spreading on the news and such I didn't go out as often anymore. Plus, her family started working for the Vision's so..."

I see her bury her face into her hands with frustration. "Gosh Y/N I'm so sorry..." I reach for her hands and give them a light squeeze so I could see her beautiful face again. "Hey..." I whisper to her, "there's no need to be sorry my love."

"Y/N! They're ready for you!" Sophie said. I walked towards the counter to grab them until I see Sophie turn back to face towards me.

"Thanks Soph..." She smiles at me, "I'm just doing my job Y/N." She smiles and looks down and twirls her fingers. " So you and Maximoff huh?"

I look back at Wanda who was looking down at her phone while she was waiting.

"Yeah...she's pretty amazing."

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