Chapter 46: In Secret

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*Y/N's POV*

I guess Wanda and I were taking it slow. We've been going out more on dates, but we've haven't made it official yet. Including make out sessions during work hours, sometimes sex in my office during her lunch breaks, or in my car during some break time. Yeah...slow I guess. From what I've heard, the Daily Bugle really enjoys having her around. She starts school in the fall meanwhile I'm here at the office along with occasional visits from the agents. Still no sign of Kingpin.

"Ms. Nash?" I'm broken from my trance in a meeting and realized all eyes were on me. I sit up and clear my throat.

"I'm sorry what was the question?"

"We are on the subject of the company supplying for F.E.A.S.T."

"Oh..." I sigh to myself. "...we can do it to help out."

"Ms. Nash, it's a non profit charity though..."

I quickly interrupt, "and what exactly is your point? My parents' company is all about helping others. Whether that is they pay for our services, I see no issue in helping F.E.A.S.T."

"The company would suffer a profit ma'am."

"Profit or not, it's for a good cause. We will be associated along with the other companies who are supporting already, end of discussion. Have the paperwork on my desk in 10 for me to read over the contract." I said as I got up from my seat to leave the conference room.

I sit at my desk frustrated. I know this is a company, but sometimes some of them are too greedy. The more businesses we associated with, the more raises my employees could get. I decide to call Iryna.

"Ms. Nash."

"Hey Iryna. How are you today?" I decided to make Iryna lead of the equity research team since the former lead moved. Of course, that came with a raise, and a bit of saltiness from the other team members, but she was way more on top of her game than the others. Also, I liked the way she organized her excel sheets for me. They were way easier to read with only the necessary data.

"Can you pull me an inquiry on our numbers if I was to supply $5,000 a month to F.E.A.S.T?"

"$5,000? I thought the contract was only $2,000?"

"I want to see the numbers if I do more. Just for shits and giggles with some people."

She chuckles at my response, "of course. I'll get that inquiry over to you in about 2 hours."

"Thank youuu." I hang up the phone as there is a knock at my door.

"Come in."

"Here is the contract you requested for." Brenda said walking over to my desk placing the papers down.

"Thank you Brenda." I give her a slight smile.

"I think it's really good that you're willing to do this." I look up at her and give her an upside smile.

"Well not my entire company obviously agrees." I look down and begin to read the papers.

"I'll let you to it. Also, your schedule is cleared for the rest of the day from meetings."

"Thanks. I've got some papers to review and finalize from some of our other contracts. Could you pull me a report for all the upcoming dues within the next 3 months so we could schedule some meetings?"

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