Chapter 11: Secret Club

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*Y/N's POV*

We pull up to the parking lot. On the outside it looks like a normal building but when you make your way towards the back downstairs, that's where the party's at. Wanda held my hand the entire ride leaning her head against my shoulder.

"You better not be sleepy now." I laugh at her taking the keys out of the ignition. She laughs at my comment,

"This is the club? It looks like a boujee restaurant."

"Well looks can be deceiving." I get out to go open her door. As she steps out she doesn't break eye contact with me smiling.

"Your chivalry will always be my favorite." I give a quick peck on the cheek and shut the door. Everyone begins to walk towards us,

"Okay love birds, ready to go get the party started?" Carol teased. I roll my eyes smiling at her.

"I know I am." Tony says as he begins to walk in. I reach out my hand to Wanda smiling at her, she smiles back and locks eyes with me as our fingers intertwine. We all begin to walk in to what seems like a nice restaurant. We head to the back through a beaded curtain until we are met with someone. He looks at all of us with a stern face, until he breaks a smile, "I haven't seen you all for a while and I see you brought new ones."

"Yeah look. Y/n even came this time." Tony says patting my shoulder.

"Y/'s lovely to see you again."

"Likewise." I awkwardly smile as he opens the door for us to head downstairs.

"This is wicked." Pietro said observing the club downstairs. I laugh about his amazement at almost everything. We make our way through the dance floor to one of the booth tables. Strobe lights everywhere with music that you can get lost into. Wanda was still attached to me since I knew this wasn't her scene. We all slide into the booth until a waitress comes up to us.

"What's it gonna be tonight guys? What are we celebrating?"

"Shots for everyone. Bring a whole bunch of them. Tabs on me tonight!" Tony yelled. "Our girl here just led our soccer team to victory against our rivals." He said pointing to me and everyone applauds me.

"Wow okay then. So captain, what type of shots are we doing?"

I sit there thinking as everyone waits for my response, "hmm let's do some kamikazes."

"Coming right up!" Everyone shouts in excitement. The waitress comes back and Tony stands up to make a toast, "alright everyone. To Y/n! For this being their idea and not paying the tab!" Everyone laughs and we all toast and take the shot. I look over to Wanda and see her disgusted face and I laugh at her. I lean in towards her to whisper in her ear so she could hear me, "you don't have to take any if you don't want to." She smiles and looks up to me,

"We're celebrating you tonight. I think it's acceptable." I knew she was a light weight so I wasn't going to drink as much as I usually do. I can pace myself and plus, I don't want to go home drunkenly and wake up Hazel. I was definitely not a light weight. My body has consumed so much where my tolerance was super high at this point. Plus, I didn't want to leave my car here overnight.

"I feel like dancing! Come on!" Carol said grabbing my hand.

"We'll order more drinks over here!" Tony said to Carol.

*Wanda's POV*

I laughed as Carol grabbed Y/n by surprise as
Y/n nearly spilled her drink leaving the table. Just then Natasha scoots closer to me.

" and y/n?" It got everyone's attention as they leaned in towards me to hear my response. I take another shot as they waited. The drink was gross but I knew it'd encourage me to talk more.

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