Chapter 29: Undercover

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*Wanda's POV*

Weeks passed and this weekend was Y/n's birthday. She hasn't been back to school since and I find myself staring at the empty seat next to me in homeroom too much. I think I'm doing better. I've been adjusting and getting used to the fact that Y/n and I weren't together anymore, but it's so hard. I've cried so much that I don't feel like I have anymore more tears left to cry. I go about my days but it's almost as if I'm just here physically. Mentally my mind was somewhere else with the thoughts of what went wrong. I know if I keep doing this I will never be able to move on from her.

I started eating again and sometimes I wonder how Y/n has been. No one at the table mentions anything but I can tell they were worried since this is the longest they've gone without hearing from Y/n. No one hears from her but we are somehow caught up in her life when we see the newspaper of town. This seemed to be the only way we all kept in contact with her. The cameras were always on her now about her family's company. My brother loves looking through the news at lunch time.

"Oh man..." He commented.

"What is it?" Steve looked at him.

"The transition is happening for her." He said as he placed the newspaper in the middle of the group blocking some our lunches.

"Y/n Nash set to take over family's company." He read the title as it showed a picture of her. God she looked incredible in that photo with a feminine suit on. She wasn't smiling in the picture. I glance up to her face in the photo as this was the only way I'd be able to look into her eyes again. That wasn't my Y/n. She doesn't look happy. Her face seemed to have gotten skinnier along with makeup trying to cover the bags under her eyes. I wonder if she has been having trouble with sleep and eating the same way as I have been too. Y/n was always an athlete so her body was amazing. But in this photo, she looked amazingly attractive but it just wasn't her. She looked as if she was losing weight in an unhealthy way. I sigh and move the newspaper back over to my brother.

"Come on let's go out tonight instead." Tony suggested.

"I will not say no to that." Carol said.

"Wands you in?" Natasha smirked at me.

"Surreee. Why not?" I said shrugging my arms.

"Hey the best way to get over someone, is going under someone else. I'll pick you guys up tonight." Carol winked at me. I playfully roll my eyes at her as I take one last glance at Y/n's photo from the newspaper. I sigh to myself knowing that I wasn't over her, but a little fun couldn't hurt right?

We all meet at the secret club but have dinner first before heading towards the back. We're all seated at the table and I feel like for the first time in weeks my mind has not been on Y/n. The group and I carry conversations and laugh here and there. Just then a loud and obnoxious group walks in laughing and playfully pushing each other. It definitely catches the attention of several people in the restaurant and ours. All of our heads turn and sees Jarvis and his group of friends along with several girls walk in. They were clearly all drinking already and I sip my water not trying to make any eye contact. Jarvis catches us looking and walks pass our table.

"Ah. The infamous group that Y/n is no longer part of." He says as he stands near the edge of the table with his group behind him.

"She's just got different priorities right now." Tony said before sipping his water ignoring eye contact.

"Indeed she does. It is her birthday weekend to have some fun though." He smirks at all of us as they head to the back. Just then the door swings open again and it felt as if everything was in slow motion. I look over and there was Y/n walking in.

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