Chapter 45: Deepest Cravings

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*Wanda's POV*

I was caught in between Y/n and the bathroom door in her office. I felt like I was suffocating and my heartbeats were irregular. I look up to her as she looked into my eyes then down to my lips. I bite my bottom lip because I've been wanting her for the last several months from us being apart. Y/n licks her bottom lip and smirks at me. She brushes one side of my hair behind my ear and leans in to whisper to me.

"Your breathing became harder and unsteady."

I purposely tilt my head back to the side to give her access to my neck. Y/n's hot breath was pushing against my neck which only drove me more crazy. I know I said I didn't want to push her, so I'm just going to wait for her to make the first move. I've waited long enough and this was pushing me over the edge. I press my legs together looking for any type of friction in between my legs.

Y/n glides her hand over my chest and started to unbutton my shirt one by one slowly.

"No comment huh? Do I still have that affect on you my sweet angel?"

I was gripping onto the t shirt Y/n had handed me. Please just kiss me already and quit teasing me. I feel one of her hands reach the back of my waist and she pulls me into her body so I was no longer resting my back against the door. She grabs the t shirt out of my hand and throws it onto one of the tables. She quickly turns back to me and pushes me back against the door.

"You won't be needing that for a bit." She said to me. Just within seconds, I feel Y/n lean in and give a light kiss on my neck. The kiss sends shivers down my spine and without realizing, my hand moves to her waist and I grip onto the bottom of her shirt. Wanting to feel the heat of our bodies touching, I pull her body in closer to mine.

"Please just kiss me already." I whispered to her. She places her forehead against mine with one of her hand reaching up to cup my face. I've missed her touch so much that I embrace her hand on my cheek closing my eyes. Y/n had always made me feel all these emotions during times like this. Emotions that I have craved for these last months of us being apart. She clenches her jaw and looks down at me and lifts my face up to look at her.

She slowly moves her hand to reach behind my neck. Y/n licks the bottom of her lips staring into my eyes then back to my lips. Her head begins to slowly move towards mine as I close my eyes. This is what I've been missing. I've missed the taste of her lips so much. She gave a long kiss but nothing too crazy which throws me over the edge. I wrap my arms around her neck to pull her back in to kiss her even harder. I feel Y/n's hands grip around my waist stronger this time as our tongues danced together. Her kisses were so addictive. One was never enough. I needed her right now.

Pulling out of the kiss to catch my breath I whisper to her, "please Y/n. I need you right now." She nods her head in agreement and turns me around. My face was against the door as the back of my body pushed up against her front. Y/n begins to kiss all over my neck as I feel her unbuttoning the rest of my shirt. The friction between our bodies was driving me crazy. My shirt was finally unbuttoned all the way as I feel Y/n's bare hands on my stomach. A soft moan escapes from my mouth as I was getting too turned on. I lean back onto her and wrap one arm to grip onto her hair as I feel Y/n unbutton my pants. She turns me back around and we begin to heavily make out again.

For a moment, I had forgotten where we were until Y/n's office phone rings. She pulls apart from our kiss and sighs in frustration. I'm gasping for air as if I had just entered a contest to see who could hold their breath the longest. I swallow hard and clear my throat.

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