Chapter 39: Not So School Spirited

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*Natasha's POV*

Jean and I were walking through the hallways as we went to go grab her bag for cheer. She was the next top senior and since I was playing tonight we had to run through the choreography together to make sure she led the girls. Although we have our differences, she actually was a really good cheerleader.

The hallways were always so creepy after hours. The lights were always dimmed and the silence screamed with no one around.

"So remember you do the back hand spring while the others do a base for the basket toss in the middle of the routine."

"How is Y/n doing?" Jean asked.

"What? We gotta go through the routine!" I said clearly annoyed.

"She seems...different. Like a mature attractiveness..." she said shrugging her shoulders as if a little kid had a crush.

"She's fine. I think she's still trying to adjust being back here again. Do you remember the routine or not?"

"Yes! Oh my gosh Natasha. We've done this routine before!"

"Not without me!" I said defensively which makes her chuckle. We walk in silence down the hall until I hear something.

"Daisy...I..." I forgot this was the yearbook room. Jean and I sneakily peak at the door cause that sounded a lot like Wanda.

"Oh my god. Is that Daisy and Wanda?" Jean whispered.

"Shhh!" I said focusing on them. Daisy was definitely leaning in way too close. Why wasn't Wanda pulling back? This couldn't be happening right now. Daisy's lips meet Wanda's and she doesn't pull away. My eyes were absolutely disgusted right now. I get too mad and walk away back the way we came from so either of them wouldn't see a figure walking by.

"Natasha wait!" Jean whispered as she ran to catch up with me.

"Oh my god can you believe it?" Jean whispered to me.

I grab her arm to stop us from walking.

"You do not say a word to Y/n. Do I make myself clear?"

"She deserves to know..." she said tugging her arm away from me. Jean was right. Y/n deserved to know but it should be coming from Wanda, but that would make me a bad best friend to Y/n if I didn't tell her.

"She does, but from Wanda."

"And if she doesn't say anything?"

"Then I'll say something." I said looking down too disappointed in Wanda. I walk away from Jean as she follows me back to the field. I was too aggravated in the moment to talk right now and knew I just had to focus on the game.

*Wanda's POV*

"Daisy...I..." before I knew it Daisy locked her lips onto mine. My body wasn't pulling back but I knew this was wrong. I come to my senses and slightly push her off.

"No. Stop it. We can't do this." I said panicking packing up my stuff. Daisy was clearly annoyed with me and chuckled to herself.

"You can't deny the fact that we do have something."

"No. This was all a mistake. I should've never gotten too close to you." I sling my bag over my shoulder but she tugs on my wrist stopping me from leaving. She had both of her hands on my hips making me unable to move.

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