Chapter 28: The Funeral

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*Wanda's POV*

It was the day of the funeral and even though Y/n and I were not together anymore I still wanted to show my respect to Hazel. My mother comes knocking on my door as I'm sitting doing my makeup at my desk. Her hands are placed gently on my shoulders giving them a warm squeeze. I reach up with one hand to hold hers,

"How are you doing my dear?" She asked looking at me in the mirror.

I just did my make up so I didn't want it to smudge. I shrug and look down cause I knew I was going to cry again with my mother looking at me. She places a kiss onto my head and rests her chin on top of me.

"You know, maybe Y/n thought this was the best move for you. Honey, she's going to be taking over her family's company and you still have school."

I shake my head and close my eyes as I still can't accept the fact that we were not together anymore.

"She still has school too mama. The year isn't over yet."

"I know sweetheart, but her path is changing now. If it's meant to be, maybe one day in the future, your paths will cross again when you guys are ready. You're still young and I don't think Y/n should have the responsibilities that she should. But life works in mysterious ways my dear." I put my lips together and force a smile before we get up to leave for the funeral.

We walk out as my dad gives me a hug and so does Pietro.

"You okay little sis?" He said holding my arms.

"What do you think?"

"Okay I'm sorry. Are you sure you want to go?"

"Of course. I loved Hazel." I know I was being short but I was not in the mood for conversations about my feelings right now. I sigh and look at my family,

"Are we ready to go?" I ask all of them and my dad signals us towards the front door as he follows last. I was nervous to see Y/n again. My heart felt like it was sinking once again with the thought of seeing her. I didn't go to school yesterday and Pietro had told the group that we were no longer together since Y/n had pulled it off. I don't know what's going to come about at the funeral when we all see each other.

We arrive and just as I expected, reporters everywhere with their news camera and flashes blinding everyone. None of them were allowed inside so they surrounded the building taking pictures and asking all the higher people in town for any remarks. One of them spots me and starts calling for me as Pietro holds on to me to walk past them. I didn't like the cameras but they also didn't know I wasn't with Y/n anymore. I started feeling anxious, almost as if I was about to pass out and break down in tears again. We walk through the corridor of the big church for the service and there she was. Y/n having to greet everyone and saying thank you for coming. I try to turn around when our eyes lock for a split second but she gets distracted from someone else greeting her. My brother blocks me not letting me go anywhere,

"Oh no. Where do you think you're going?"

"I thought I can do this, but I can't Pietro." I whisper so only he can hear. My parents realize we stopped and they stopped before walking through the doors waiting for us.

"We're here for Hazel remember? And we are still showing support for Y/n..." he reminded me. I sigh and try to not let any tears fall and turn back around. My parents give Y/n a hug as she greets them, same with Pietro. When I walk up to face Y/n, I'm lost at words. I couldn't get anything out and I stop our gaze because I've missed her eyes so much. Y/n clears her throat,

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