Chapter 8: Be Our Guest

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*Y/N's POV*

As I was driving us back to my place we continued conversations by teasing each other and laughing. My arm was over the console and she had her arm locked with mine with her head leaning on my shoulders.

"I had a super fun time." She said looking up still leaning on my arm.

"I did too." I give her a slight smile but focused back onto the road. "But we can't do it that often okay? I don't need us getting in trouble for skipping too much." She laughs at my concern before she replies, "so...once a month?" I laugh at her and shake my head. "No this was a one time thing. I can't afford to get in any more trouble or start getting you in trouble."

She leans her head back down onto my arm and closes her eyes for a bit. I keep quiet cause if she was tired she could take a little nap. I steal glances from her and the road here and there. This girl was definitely doing something to me.

I pull into the driveway and she looks out at the window.

"This is where you live?"

"Yep. Home sweet home." I park my car and walk over to her side and open the passenger side door. She stands up and looks at me causing me to not be able to close the door.

"Are you sure Hazel is fine with this?" I smile and chuckle at her about the fact that she was still concerned about this. I lean in and give her a quick peck on the cheek. "I already told you, she won't mind." She stands to the side and I close the door while she grabs her backpack. I walk towards the front door and she follows as I put in the code to get in. I swing the door open and I let Wanda step in first.

"Y/n? Where have you been? You were supposed to finish your class and come straight home?" Hazel was shouting and looking at papers until she looked up and saw Wanda standing with me.

"Uhhh...hi. This is Wanda Hazel. Remember when I told you about the two new transfer students?"

"Oh hello. I'm so sorry for shouting." She smiled at Wanda remember my comment saying that she was cute.

"Y/n was not supposed to be out today. It's nice to finally meet you. Will you be staying for dinner?"

Wanda smiles back to Hazel, "it's nice to meet you too. Y/n always mentions you. If that's okay, I would love to stay for dinner. I can help out too with whatever you're making." Hazel smiles at Wanda and grabs her by the arm and pulls her away from me. They both turn their head as they walk towards the kitchen, "I would love the help, Y/n is a terrible cook." Wanda smiles back at me at me as I roll my eyes at Hazel's comment.

I lock the door behind me and make my way to the kitchen and all I hear is Hazel and Wanda giggling and laughing. I walk over to the island and grab a drink. I interrupt them, "you know I could help out too you know?"

They both turn to look at me and Hazel starts laughing. "Honey, you burnt eggs the last time." Wanda starts laughing, "Really y/n? Eggs?" I roll my eyes and chuckle in embarrassment at them ganging up on me.

"Okay okay. Then I'll supervise." I watched as they interacted. Wanda obviously knew her way around the kitchen and Hazel was impressed. They had full on conversations and were giggling the whole time. Occasionally Hazel would embarrass me about old time stories. Wanda told stories about her family in Sokovia. The least I could do was set the table. I folded each napkin to look perfect and stepped back to admire my work. Wanda walks in bringing a plate and sets it down then turns to me. "You did a wonderful job folding napkins."

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