Chapter 4: Party Time

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*Y/N's POV*

I was not looking forward to this party. Tony always throws the biggest parties when his parents are out of town which was quite often. Not only does our school come but our rival schools come as well to party and have a good time. I told Hazel that I would stay out of trouble and I knew that alcohol was not going to be a good mix. But I always have to remember what Hazel told me, gotta live a little. I get dressed and ready and head out a bit early. The gang always shows up a bit early to help Tony out.

I was the last to arrive and they already had a shot ready for me.

"Cheers. To a good senior year." Tony toasted. We all put our shots up and take them.

"Whoo let's get this party started now." Carol says finding another drink.

Music was blasting and the crowd was getting bigger and bigger and I was getting drunker and drunker. I was on the dance floor dancing with everyone until someone reached for my shoulder.

"Diana, hey."

"Hey you." She said as she kept her hands on me and started dancing on me. She was the head cheerleader at our rival school. We've hooked up a couple of times but nothing more than that. She was one of the few who understood that it was just casual. Diana was hot. Always had the dark wavy hair and her body was always in top shape. She was all over me until I felt someone grab my arm and drag me away.

"What are you doing with her?" Oh great. It's Jean. But I would not be lying to say the alcohol was not making me enjoy this teasing moment.

"Oh hello Jean." I was still moving my body to the music while grabbing another drink. I hand her one and she rejects it. I shrug and roll my eyes while sipping on my next drink.

"You're letting Diana put herself all over you."

"Jean! We're not anything. It was a one time thing and you agreed." Just then she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me into her as she whispers in my ear. "I'm the only one who can dance on you like that." I grab one of her hands and spin her onto the dance and leave her there as I make my way out to the balcony. I started watching the beer pong games instead and they were in their duo match. Of course Steve and Natasha were partners. It was them against Tony and Pepper. Tony's been crazy about Pepper Potts for who knows how long. She knows it but doesn't want to make it official yet with him.

"And who was that who stole you away from me?" Diana creeped up with a drink in her hand.

I laugh, "Jean Grey. I was too drunk once but she makes it seem as if we're a couple ever since that night. Kinda makes me not want to sleep with her again."

Just then Diana steps in front of me so we're facing each other. She grabs the back of my neck and lowers my head down to her mouth and whispers to me, "I hope to find you towards the end of the night." She smirks at me as she walks away with her hand sliding down my body.

Natasha and Steve look over to me. "What? Win your round already come on." They shake their head and laugh and continue their game. I turn back around to go inside and my shoulders bump someone as they were coming out.

"Hey watch where you're walking dude."

"Apologies Y/n." Jarvis responded to me. "No sign of Ms. Maximoff yet" he says as him and his crew continues to walk pass me. I scoff at them and walk back in. This was already too much drama so I head up the stairs to catch my breath before I do anything stupid.

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