Chapter 5: Spin the Bottle

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*Wanda's POV*

Of course it hurt my feelings when Y/n told me she wasn't ready for a relationship. But I wanted nothing more than to respect Y/n's wishes. Diana walking in was a bit awkward.

"Everyone's getting ready to play spin the bottle."
Diana told me as she began to walk out.

"Okay..." I whisper back loud enough so she could hear. She stops and turns back around to me.

"Did you reject Y/n?" She questioned me. "No. It was actually quite the opposite." I begin to walk out with Diana.

"Y/n rejecting a girl...that's interesting. She must really like you then."

"What?" We stop walking and can be seen by everyone if they looked up the stairs. "Believe me if Y/n wanted anyone in bed tonight she could've got it. If she's restraining herself from you, you've got her wrapped all over you. Y/n looks tough on the outside but deep down is a huge fluff." She smiles at me and begins walking and I follow her.

"Were you guys ever anything?"

"Oh no. We were just friends with benefits for a bit. I wasn't looking for anything and neither was she. Look if you wanna have anything happen with Y/n just do what a girl would do to get their attention. Make her jealous. It'll drive her crazy seeing you with someone else."

I stare blankly thinking about what Y/n did tell me. She did say she didn't want me to wait for her or anything. I catch up to Diana, "you think that would work?"

"Oh come on. Did they not do these kind of things in Sokovia? Watch just sit by me during spin the bottle." I follow Diana as she plops onto the couch and sit down next to her. She puts her arms around my shoulder and puts her legs over my legs. This did not only get everyone's attention but especially Y/n's and Jarvis'.

"Let's get the show started shall we?" Diana says to everyone.

"Okay we start off with the simple stuff. You kiss whoever you spin and land on." Tony stood up telling everyone. "With the acceptance if you're in a relationship. Rules are rules. Diana why don't you start off since you wanted us to start."

I look over at Y/n and she's holding her drink watching. No facial expressions or anything. Diana spins and lands on Kate and everyone gets so excited for the younger one to kiss a rival senior.

"Hmm you are a cutie." Diana says to Kate as her thumb brushes off of Kate's bottom lips. The person to the right goes next which thankfully means that I would be last to go. Yelena was next and spins the bottle and it lands on none other than Y/n.

"Uh oh. Don't go fangirling now Yelena." Steve teased.

"I don't wanna watch this." Natasha says and playfully hides behind Steve. I watch as Y/n stands up to sit next to Yelena. That same feeling earlier to Diana started fuming over my body again. I watched as Y/n grabbed Yelena's face going in for the kiss. She plants it on her cheek instead of the lips and a sort of relief disappeared from my body. Everyone start's going crazy.

"Woah woah. The rules didn't say what type of kiss." Y/n laughed at everyone's disappointment.

"I'll take what I got!" Yelena shouted excitedly with both arms with victory punches in the air.

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