Chapter 14: Not Another Fling

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*Wanda's POV*

Y/n felt as if she was holding back. Earlier she wanted me then and maybe I thought of this too soon. She stops and pulls back,

"I'm sorry..." she whispered as she pulled back from me. I was a little disappointed but I didn't want to do anything she didn't want to do.

"Baby we don't have to if you don't want to." I replied to her pushing back some strands of her hair. She lays on top of me burying her face into my neck and gives me several kisses on my neck. I giggled since it tickled a bit. She rolls over and lays on her back staring at her ceiling.

"You know, you're the first person to ever tell me that." I turn my head to look over to her. She leans over to her night stand and pushes a remote and stars appear on her ceiling.

"What?" I was so confused because it seemed as if Y/n has slept with so many girls. Not only that but she was able to get any girl that she wanted. Am I just now learning that all of of them weren't a thing and some were forced?

"There were several girls that I didn't want to do anything with, but they kept pushing me and throwing themself onto me and I sort of just panicked not knowing what to do. I would tell them no and they would just keep going." I can hear her swallow hard as she said that out loud.

"You know what everyone says about me around here. You heard it tonight. Probably half of them wasn't even me saying yes to them, they just wanted to brag. I kind of felt like people just used me for sex since I was a vulnerable mess. No one has ever told me that we didn't have to do anything if I didn't want to. It was always about their needs and not mine. But I guess in the end it was my fault." I see her shoulders shrug slightly. I turn onto my side and play with the ends of her hair as she continued looking at the stars on the ceiling.

"It's not your fault babe...please do not feel that way." I place my hand over her chest. I can feel her heart beating faster. I knew she was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Is this why she always did things to me rather than allowing me to do things to her? She quickly snaps back to reality.

"I'm so sorry. Can I get you something to drink?" She said panicking getting up from the bed. I giggle at her and scoot to the edge of the bed. I pull her in by her waist so she was standing in between my legs.

"Water sounds great." I replied as I playfully poked her stomach. She pushes strands of my hair back and I feel her finger lift my chin up to look at her. She places a soft kiss onto my lips. It was exactly how our first kiss felt. Soft and tender. My heart was sparking with joy. She walked over to a mini fridge she had in her room and grabs me a water bottle. I hear the cap breaking the seal and she hands me the drink.

"Thank you." I said smiling at her scooting back to my side. She gave a slight smile, "it's not a problem at all." I definitely needed water from the night so I was chugging the bottle. I hear her laughing at me,

"Woah easy tiger." She said reaching for the bottle. "You're gonna make yourself feel sick." She takes the bottle and closes it and places it on her night stand. She grabs the remote and starts flipping through the tv for a movie. It made me so upset of what she had told me. Knowing that she panicked showed me who she was. The kind of person who never wanted to disappoint anyone as if in a sense feel like she's failed them.

"What do you like to watch?" She looks over at me as I was lost in my thoughts after everything she had shared tonight.

"Oh," I adjusted myself in the bed. "Anything really!"

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