Chapter 19: Surprise

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*Wanda's POV*

The next day was how I expected. A no show from Y/n. Then another day passed and another no show. Not even a text from her. I knew she had her big game tomorrow so I assumed she would be back the next day. But my heart was telling me to go check on her after school today.

Pietro and I get off the bus and see my parents car. They must've gotten off early. We walk in greeting them.

"Mom, dad, may I borrow the car?"

"Sure where are you going? It's a school night." My mother asked.

"May I spend the night at Y/n's? She hasn't been to school the last two days and I'm worried." I was always honest with my parents. I never lied to sneak out or kept anything from them.

My mom looked over to my dad, "that's fine with me sweetheart. Honey?"

My dad cleared his throat putting the newspaper down to look at me. He can tell I was genuinely concerned and he could never bare the fact of my face whenever I was upset.

"Have you heard from Y/n?" He questioned.

I shake my head and my lips begin to quiver, "no papa. But I know she's home because I messaged Hazel if I could stop by and she said it was okay."

My dad looks over to my mom. I could tell my mom was giving him the face of just let her go. He looks back over to me.

"1. This will not become a habit. 2. Your mother and I have work in the morning so you'll have to drop the car back off before school. And 3. Tell Y/n we say hi."

I smile at him and give him a big hug. "Thank you papa." I begin to go pack for the night and pick an outfit for tomorrow. I quickly take off giving my parents kisses to their cheeks telling I loved them.

I decided to stop by the store first to pick up some of Y/n's favorite snacks. I walked pass an aisle and saw some flowers. I decided to go pick a little bouquet out for Y/n. Mini roses. They were perfect. I went to checkout and then ended up in Y/n's driveway. I texted Hazel that I was here and she replied to just go to Y/n's room since she was in the middle of a meeting. I punched in the code and quietly sneaked my way upstairs hoping to not be a disturbance to Hazel.

I knocked on Y/n's door holding the bouquet of flowers in front of me along with all the other goodies. No answer...was she taking a nap? I waited for a few more seconds. I twist the door handle and find Y/n with her headphones on facing the opposite way of the door working on her computer. I didn't want to scare her since she seemed zoned in on her work. Suddenly she looks at her computer and turns to face me taking her headphones off her head.


"Surprise..." I say awkwardly as I shut the door behind me. "How did you know I was here?"

She smiled and glanced back at her computer and pointed to it. "Well at first I thought I was seeing a ghost of you from the reflection of my laptop." She stood up and walked over to me. I hand her the flowers with the biggest smile on my face.

Her mouth drops open and she gasps, "for me?"

I nod my head and she gives me a soft kiss on the lips. God I've missed her physical touch. It's only been two days but knowing the state that she was in just made me miss her more. She puts the bouquet on the edge of her bed while I put all the bags down. Y/n walks back over to me and hugs me wrapping her arms around my lower back. She buried her head in my neck and let out a huge sigh.

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