Chapter 6: Humility is Attractive

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*Wanda's POV*

I slowly make my way up the stairs. She said the 3rd room and here I am standing like an idiot nervous to knock. The rest of them were still downstairs but not playing anything anymore. They all looked like they were ready to pass out. I straighten my posture and clear my throat. I knock on the door lightly. I hope she wasn't sleeping already. The door swings open.

"Oh...Wanda...hey." She said as she stepped away from the door. I walked in and closed the door behind us.

"Are you okay?" Of course she's not okay but I didn't know what else to ask. I could tell she was laying down in the middle of the bed before I knocked. "I'm sorry if I woke you." She smiles at me and scoots to one side and opens the sheets inviting me to join her on the other side.

"I wasn't sleeping yet it's okay." She completely ignored my first question which only told me she doesn't like to open up when she's feeling hurt.

"I'm sorry about whatever happened down there." I walk over to join her.

"It's okay. Did you want to talk about it?"

"No. Not really..." I wished she would open up to me. "But you know what I really don't like? I don't like how everyone just brings up my past. It's like I could never escape it. At some points in my life I feel like I'm getting over it and then boom. Someone brings it up again, and I don't know. I was in a dark place for a long time and I really don't want to feel like that again." I can hear her voice shaking when she told me that.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I wanted to let her know that I was all ears and willing to be here for her.

"'s my own demons that I have to face. Just to be clear this isn't usually how all Stark parties go." I chuckle at her trying to change the subject.

"Oh. I was expecting a fight to break out at every single one of them." She begins to smile at my sarcastic comment. "Nah. They're usually pretty chill. Are you and your brother crashing the night here?"

"Yeah. Tony offered it and my brother and I don't have a car so we took an Uber here."

"Oh. Why didn't you guys just text me? I could've picked you guys up?"

"Y/ family we're not big and rich like you guys. You saw where we lived."

"Sometimes that makes a family stronger though. Money doesn't buy happiness trust me I know. I'm not one to judge. My ex that was mentioned tonight, her family literally had nothing when we met. Dad ended up leaving the picture and then mom was an alcoholic. I would always be questioned why someone like me would be with someone like her."

"And why were you?" She shakes her head and looks down to the bedsheets instead. "I was young, stupid, and in love. When she started getting exposed to more of the rich community things took a south. Hence, Jarvis and all of that shenanigans." I could tell she was getting uncomfortable with the topic. I reach out and hold her hand and brush my thumb on top of her had.

"So she's made you incapable of loving someone again?"

"I wouldn't say incapable...but definitely threw my guard up like 1,000 times more." She wasn't looking at the sheets anymore. She was looking at our hands and surprisingly did not pull away. I stare down at our hands intertwined together in the middle of the bed. In the back of my mind, I remember her saying she wasn't ready for a relationship. But is this the sign of someone who isn't ready? Or am I just overthinking it? Friends hold hands right? But do they stare at it and smile while they look at their hands intertwined with one another?

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