Chapter 36: Aftermath

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*Y/n's POV*

I woke up with a small jump as if I was in the car with my parents during the incident. Taking a glance at my phone, it was 1 AM. I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep with Wanda on her bed. Her arms were wrapped around my stomach as she slept peacefully. As gently as possible, I slide her off and tuck her in with Barry. This slightly wakes her up.

"Baby..." she whispered.

"Hey...shh." I quickly respond kneeling on the side of bed. "I have to get going okay?"

"No. I don't want you to go." She pouted with her eyes still closed. I slightly chuckle at her because I couldn't deny her cuteness.

"Okay I won't leave for the night yet. I'm just gonna go get some water." I see her smile to herself as I step out of her room to go grab a drink. Carefully leaving her door slightly cracked, I tiptoe into the kitchen to grab some water. I turn on one of the lights and find Wanda's mother sitting alone at the dining room table sipping more wine.

"Oh shit." I panic at her appearance that was just sitting alone in the dark. "I'm sorry Mrs. Maximoff, I didn't mean to spend the night. I accidentally fell asleep." I whispered trying not to wake Wanda and Pietro.

"Oh no. Don't worry about Y/n. I'm glad Wanda has you." She said as she sipped her glass.

"May I join you?"

"Please." I sit down next to her as I had my glass of water and she had her glass of wine. There was an awkward silence between us and I didn't know where to begin.

"How come Wanda waited for a bit before saying something?" She questioned as she stared blankly in front.

"Honestly, Mrs. Maximoff, I think she was waiting for me to say something to the Agents."

"And why didn't you report it immediately?"

I sigh to myself because I knew Wanda wanted me to report it immediately. They can be angry, upset, shocked or whatever, what he did wasn't right. But living in this town for this long, I've seen what money has done to people. People were doing things they would've told themselves thousands of times that they would've never done before in their life. Maybe in a sense, I understood the money struggle and he was doing it all for them and I didn't want to tear their family apart.

"You know..." I started off slowly and she shifts her head into my direction. "...I grew up with a family that I wasn't necessarily close with. When I first met Wanda and Pietro and they told me why you guys moved, there was almost an envy in me. Growing up, my family's business was just going to be handed down to me, my life was already planned. But you guys' moved to a whole other country for your children to be given the best education to better themselves and find out what they wanted to do growing up. Mr. Maximoff had the right intentions of doing what he did, it just wasn't the right execution. I understand if money was tight and maybe he thought this was the fastest way to accomplish things."

"Y/n you don't need to defend him." She said.

"I don't need to defend him but I can try to understand where he was coming from. Does it mean I forgive him? No. Of course not. I didn't want to see your family torn apart Mrs. Maximoff. Believe me, I know how that feels." I said more quieter as I played with my glass cup.

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