Chapter 42: Graduation

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*Y/N's POV*

Well unfortunately I made Valedictorian and that means I'm keeping my promise to Principal Xavier. Doing school at home was a lot easier so I enrolled in classes that would count for college credits which helped boost my GPA that was already high. I've been working on my speech, but obviously I still had nerves running through my body.

I fix my hair as I made it wavy for today. One last look in the mirror, a deep sigh, and I apply my lipstick last. I walk out of my bathroom and see my picture frames of my younger self with my parents and one with Hazel. I smile at them and gently rub the picture frame. I really wish they were here with me. It's so strange I've gone this long without my parents, and now without Hazel, my life honestly feels empty. Wanda was really the only person who filled my world as whole. But I knew I still couldn't forgive her at this moment and just focus on the company instead and she should focus on her future.

I drive my way over to the school. We've already done rehearsals but now that my speech will be in front of hundreds of people, my nerves set in even more. We all meet in the back and I'm attacked by Carol.

"Look at my best friend who's Valedictorian." She said swaying us side to side while squeezing the life out of me. I've hung out with the group here and there but they know I'm more focused on the company now.

I chuckle and hug the rest of the group.

"Okay..." I said rubbing my hands together. "...who's ready to get the hell out of here and never look back?" They all cheer as we all hug each other once more. These last 4 years have been hell and I honestly couldn't wait for it to finally be over.

"We're proud of you." Natasha said rubbing my arm. "And you know your parents and Hazel are watching over you."

I look down to my feet pressing my lips into a smile and nod my head. "I know they are." She gives me one last hug until the group says hi to someone else.

"Y/n..." Pietro walks up to me and gives me a hug.

"Hey Piet, where's your sister?" I asked cause I couldn't find Wanda.

"She's in the bathroom but we made it huh?"

"We did." I said playfully punching his shoulder.

"Y/n!" I turn around and see Jane.

"Hey!" She walks over to me and gives me a hug.

"I am so sorry if I took you out for Valedictorian." She chuckles at my response.

"It's okay. Salutatorian suits me as well. I'll see you up on stage?" She said as she began walking backwards with the staff. I give her a slight smile and a nod that I would meet her over there.

"Okay...I see you and Foster Nash." Carol teased as she walked by to get in line.

"Ha ha very funny Carol." I said sarcastically. Jane was cute and we totally hit it off at the charity event. But I'm not ready for a relationship right now. The last time I said I wasn't ready, I ended being in one and look how that turned out with Wanda. I couldn't get hurt again, but I knew I couldn't have my flings all over like last time. Also, Jane was sweet. I couldn't do that to her. I could use a new friend right now and with her father working for the Wayne company, I'm sure I will see her more often.

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