Chapter 23: Only You

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*Wanda's POV*

Y/n had drove us back to the estate but I couldn't help realize she was driving further into the woods on a dirt road.

"Wait...where are we going?" She chuckles and grabs my hand. She gives it a light kiss and holds it as she rests our arms on the middle console with our fingers intertwined.

"To the guest house." I look behind and see all the cars following Y/n. She pulls up to a stop while I admire the place. Her home was as huge as it was already and a couple miles away was another house that was considered the guest house? I get out of the car but stand in awe.

"You never told me about the guest house! What the hell?" She laughs as she shuts my door. Y/n grabs my waist and pulls me into her making me break my observations.

"Wait till you hear that it has a pool." She smirks at me and my mouth drops wide open. She grabs my hand and leads me over to the guest house. I am in awe with this house as well as I looked around as Y/n went behind the bar. It was a ginormous living room where it looked as if this guest house was used for parties.

"What can I mix for you my beautiful girl?" I blush and look down and walk over to the bar. I lean my arms on the counter and push my body towards her, "hmm...surprise me." We are then interrupted by the group walking in like this place was nothing. I look over at my brother and see him have the same reaction as I did. He was also too stunned and was completely loss in a gaze. All of the groups were bringing their own drinks as Y/n was mixing mine.

"Can you love birds stop eye fucking each other across the bar?" Carol teased as they all came in laughing at her comment.

"Guess what?!" Tony says as he's holding up a bag and waving it in the air. It got everyone's attention except for Y/n as she continued mixing our drinks.

"Soccer season is over! Which means...come on Y/n!" Y/n doesn't even look over at Tony as she watches herself pouring the drinks. "Come on! No more random drug tests!" She shakes her head and laughs as she concentrates to fill the cups.

"What are those?" I said squinting my eyes trying to get a better look.

"You're right Tony. Come on, I'll catch it with my mouth." Y/n said as she sat the shaker down. Tony launches one and Y/n catches it with her mouth and begins to chew. The group laughs at their silliness and he eats one as well. Y/n climbs over the bar and lands on her feet right next to me reaching for the drinks.

"Here you go my love." She handed my drink. "You can't taste much of the alcohol. I made sure to not make it as strong as mine usually are." She said looking down at her own drink.

"What did you just eat?" I smirk at her. Tony is by my side and holding a gummy for me.

"Come on Maximoff. You're the last one." Y/n looks at the gummy Tony is holding for me and then her gaze comes to mine with a devilish smile that I find way too attractive from her. She sips on her drink and then she begins to help put the drinks in the fridge.

I take the gummy from Tony and play with it a bit. "I've never..." Y/n interrupts us, "baby, you don't have to if you don't want to." She reassures me as she's still helping with the drinks. I roll it with my fingers a bit still debating. Carol makes her way over to me and grabs my thighs so she stands right in between my legs. It startled me a bit, but Carol had always been very physical with everyone.

"Oh come on honey. It's not that bad." She said teasing me. I look over at Y/n where she and Steve were plugging in the speakers around the house to connect her phone. Natasha comes up to my side and is standing way closer than usual too.

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