Chapter 35: The Reveal

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*Wanda's POV*

A few days have passed since Y/n spoiled the news for me about my father. I couldn't look at him these last several days. The other night he called saying he was staying late for work again and he would just have someone drop him off. Makes me wonder what he was really doing. I haven't confronted my mother yet, I'm not too sure if she knows what he's been up to as well.

"Wanda..." My mother interrupted my thoughts.

I look up to her, "hmm? What?"

"Are you okay? You've barely touched your plate tonight." My mother said as she continued eating dinner.

"Is everything okay between you and Y/n?" My father asked. I look over to him without moving my head and he gives a surprised look.

"Why do you only assume it's about Y/n and I's relationship?" I said tilting my head at him.

"Okay...someone's a bit grumpy..." Pietro whispered glancing back down at his food. I put my fork down and shake my head.

"Sweetheart is everything okay?" My mother asked reaching over the table to hold my hand. I squeeze her hand a bit and glance between her and my father.

"I don't know papa, is everything okay?" He chokes on his water a bit and clears his throat.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you've been spending a lot of time at work recently." I drink my water waiting for his response. Was I wrong for this? Why do I seem more mad than Y/n the night she found out? She must've told the Agents at this point already. Should I be doing this in front of my brother and mother as well? I know my emotions were taking over me at the moment, but the truth had to be told.

"Wanda...your father works hard for this family..." My mother said causing me to turn in her direction.

"Real hard doing what dad?" I look over in his direction again.

"Honey..." He began talking but I quickly interrupted.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Papa?" He wipes his mouth with a napkin and clears his throat.

"Sweetheart, what is this all about?"

"Why can't you just answer my question?" I asked irritated that he has not answered me yet. He silently looked at my family and I lose my patience.

"Are you spending extra hours to provide more for this family? Where's the extra money going?"

"Wanda..." Pietro tried stopping me.

"No you stay out of this!" I said aggressively which kind of scared him. I look back over at my dad.

"Are you too busy for your family to work with the Vision's? What exactly do you do for them? Something along the line of...oh I don't know...hijacking the Nash's family plane causing several people to die?" Pietro's eyes widened at me and I hear my mother gasp.

"Wanda Django Maximoff." My mother said. "Where on Earth would you have an assumption like that?" My father couldn't look at any of us. I wipe my mouth with a napkin and grab my plate to bring over to the kitchen. Tears start to fall on my face and I quickly wipe them. Did I take it too far with my mother and brother being there?

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