Chapter 7: MIA

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*Wanda's POV*

A couple of days have passed and there was no sign of Y/n. Jarvis kept his distance from me since that night. I asked everyone at lunch each day if they had heard anything from Y/n and this seemed to be something Y/n frequently did. They told me, she always comes back eventually.

"She doesn't really express her emotions to anyone. Y/n always leaves, doesn't text back, but she knows how to take care of herself." Natasha reassured me at the table. I slightly smile and go back to eating my food until someone comes and sits down at the table.

"Hey guys." She came, but it was during the second half of the day. She had sunglasses on and a her hood was over her head. What was going on?

Tony points with his fork at her, "what is all of this? Why are you dressed like that?"

"Oh, I had an eye doctor appointment earlier and my eyes are dilated." Y/n replied. She stayed quiet. I couldn't tell if she was telling the truth or not.

"Do you want some of my sandwich?" Pietro asked holding the sandwich inches away from Y/n's face. She chuckles at him, "no it's alright. I already had lunch."

"When's your next soccer game?" Carol asked changing the subject.

"Next guys coming?"

"What kind of question is that?" Carol said nudging Y/n. Just then Y/n turns their head over to me, "Did you wanna come? I know crowds aren't your thing..." Everyone sits in silence waiting for my response. I wanted to respond but I was speechless because I've missed her the last several days.

"Yes! We will be there cheering you on." Pietro answered for both of us. Before I say anything, I see Y/n look down at her phone ringing.

"I gotta take this, I'll see you guys around okay?" She gets up to leave and I am just more confused than ever. I was so stupid for not saying anything.

"Y/n doesn't like putting their business out there. It's why we don't ever really like to ask but we let her know if she ever wants to talk that she can."Steve said looking at me.

"It's totally understandable." I responded back as if it was the normal thing that Y/n has always done with them. I wanted to go find Y/n so I get up to throw away my lunch and tell them that I was going to the library to study. I walk out and see Y/n in the parking lot. She had just hung up the phone before she could see me walking towards her.

"Hey stranger."

"Wanda...hey." She replied back but it was soft spoken. Usually she's a bit more peppy when she talks to me but something was off.

"I didn't get to thank you in person. For the day after the party."

"Oh yeah I saw your text. Sorry I'm a terrible texter."

"That's okay...are you okay?"

She doesn't respond to me for a few seconds. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

"You mean...skip?"

She laughs at me, "Yeah...what else does that mean?" She makes her way to the passenger door to open and leans against the door.

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