Chapter 16: After Party

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*Wanda's POV*

"Miss Maximoff..." Jarvis said as he stepped out making me step back more.

"Jarvis. I was just looking for Y/n." I looked around and saw that no one else was in this hallway. I backed up so far where my back was against the wall.

"I do have to say..." he said skimming me up and down. " do look quite ravishing tonight." He was walking closer to me and I felt as if I couldn't escape. I was beginning to panic inside but kept my composure.

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment. But obviously Y/n isn't here so I'll just be on my way." I try to leave until he grabs my arm and pushes me back against the wall.

"What is it about Y/n Nash? Is it because she was the talk of the town? Or maybe from the way she touches you..." he began looking at my body and lightly touching my arm.

My confidence slowly starts to turn into fear at this point. I push my arm away from him.

"Do not touch me." I said to him. He giggles at my response. I didn't know if I should scream or what.

"You know your parents and mine actually get along very well. It would only make sense if we were together. Can you imagine the new talk of the town... if it was you and I." He began to push his body against mine. I could obviously tell he's had a few drinks. I panic and push him off of me.

"I not touch me Jarvis." He looked at me hungrily as if he has never been told no in his life before. He gives me a devilish smile and comes close to me again and brushes my hair behind my ear.

"Do you see where you are? This is my family's party, no one else around us right now. No one even has to know." His hand was on my jaw and I was really starting to panic. My eyes start watering because I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be able to push him off if he applied all of his pressure on me. I felt one of his hands on the back of my thigh and I wanted to scream but nothing would come out. He was leaning in to kiss me and I closed my eyes because I didn't want any of this.

Just then I felt his hands off of me and someone had grabbed him.

"Hands off dick wad." A punch was flown across Jarvis' face causing him to fall down onto the floor. My life felt as if to flash before my eyes. Y/n was knelt beside Jarvis' face. She grabs the collar of his shirt to sit him up a bit.

"If you ever lay a hand on her again, I swear I'll cut your fingers off." She shoves his head back down and he lays on the floor giggling to himself. She comes up to grab me.

"Hey you okay?" She was brushing my hair back and tears start to run down my face.

"Hey look at me, did he hurt you?" She lifted my chin and I couldn't get a response out so I just shook my head. My lips were quivering as I tried not to break down in front of Y/n. She began wiping my tears away and pulling me into her. She held me as we walked away from the hallway. Before we reached the crowd again, she opens up another door. We sneak in before anyone can see us. She guided me to one of the chairs to sit. Y/n kneeled in front of me and more tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't open my eyes after I had sat down. She grabbed a tissue from her purse and was wiping my tears away.

"Baby...look at me." She lifted my chin up and I can see how concerned she was. After looking into Y/n's eyes, my breathing was becoming uncontrollable.

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