032. Scoops Troop

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(Ep. 8: The Battle of Starcourt)

It seems Hopper was easier to convince than expected.

As soon as Gwen and Max rejoined the group, they listened to Dustin explain how he needed a higher place where the signal would reach in order to navigate Hopper, Joyce, and Murray successfully.

Claiming he knows of a perfect place to set up, the chief had no other choice than to hand his car keys to Steve - which aren't even his considering he stole the vehicle from a guy named Todd.

"Gwendolyn!" she grits her teeth, rolling her eyes at the mention of her full name and especially since Hopper knows just how much it annoys her.

She whirls around, sparing him a glance before making her way over to him. His lips are pressed into a tight smile all while avoiding looking at her. "Why the full name?"

"Oh, stop complaining. You were named after one of Spider-Man's love interests so deal with it."

Fair point.

"So... what did I do now?" Gwen questions, placing her hands into her pockets as she tries remembering anything she might have done. All she did was slightly argue with Murray and mention Joyce being like a wife to him, but that's it.

"Listen to me very clearly," he raises his finger in an authoritative way. "Don't even think about doing anything stupid. At least wait until I get back so I can fix it."

Gwen's eyes narrow at his words considering he's the one doing something stupid. She can't even imagine heading down there and seeing those Russians again without feeling every hit and hearing every yell again. Yet another thing to add to the list of things that will give her nightmares until who knows when.

"Says the one who's heading into direct danger," she laughs lightly as her head tilts to the side. "If anything, you're the one who's being stupid. No offense."

Hopper hums in thought for a moment, "Just promise me you won't risk yourself or make any rash decisions."

"When have I ever made a rash decision?"

He stares at her with a deadpan look, "Hmm, how about when you trashed the Hawkins Post when you quit? Or when you broke Carol's arm and I had to convince her parents not to press charges, or when you crashed Harrington's car for breaking Jonathan's camera?"

"That was a long time ago-"

"You want me to name more? Cause I can go on all night-"

She rolls her eyes and playfully nudges him, "No need. I get it, okay?"

Before she's able to react, Gwen's surprised when he pulls her in for a hug. It feels slightly strange since they haven't hugged in a while, and it isn't until now that she realizes how much she's missed this.

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