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21st century - 2023

giggles fill the room as the eldest brother, silas chases his baby sister around the living room.

"ric! protect me" the little girl says as she hides behind the legs of her second eldest brother, Alaric.

"that's what you get for dumping water onto me" Silas says as he approaches the little girl and grabbing her by the waist and turning her upside, as she is now hanging upside while trying to fight her brothers off.

"izzy is sorry!" the little girl says as she's giggling away and alaric watches in amusement at the two interacting, "time to ambush an attack!" Alaric announces as he tickles the little girl's now exposed tummy, "not fair!" she struggles.

then Silas eventually pulls his sister to his chest giving her a kiss, "now, did you learn not to dump water on people. who by the way, is sleeping?" Silas gives a stern and yet playful lecture as the little girl is let down.

by the week following, the little girl's mother is arguing with Silas and Alaric, "She's my daughter, I have the rights to take her" is what little izzy's mother says, "You can't just take her as you please. I understand you are upset with father's decision to leave, but you can't punish her by the mistake of what father has done." Silas calmly and yet with confidence says.

the people arguing in the living room hadn't paid any attention to little izzy who was sitting at the landing of the staircase, peering through the rails.

"well, you can watch me. I am done with living here." Izzy's mother states as a suitcase and everything of izzy and hers are sitting by the front entrance.

Little izzy is noticed by Alaric, who was very attentive and can feel when little izzy is around, he turned his head up and saw she was sitting at the landing, the little girl gasps and runs off to her bedroom.

Alaric excuses himself, and hurries up the stairs, he finds his baby sister crying.

"my little izzy" alaric begins to say as he sits by his sister's side on the bed, "am i going to go away?" little izzy cries as she faces her brother, Alaric's heart was breaking at the thought of never seeing his baby sister ever again.

"..i don't know baby, right now your silas is trying to prevent that" Alaric responds with honest, and the truth is izzy's mother may just take her away.

"i wanna be with bubbas" the little girl continues to cry as she's now placed onto her brother's lap, "we want you to stay with us" Alaric murmurs as he kisses his sister on the forehead, the 13 year old had no idea how to prevent it from happening, after all Silas is 18, and with their father already gone, and now their mother wants to abandon them, Alaric was upset.

their mother whom they all adored since infant hood decides to bail on them, except she wants to take their baby sister.

the arguing from downstairs has stopped, and soon Silas knocks at the door, and helps himself into the room, "Silas what is going to happen?" Alaric looks to his older brother, who is a role model to him, since their father left them, silas became the new figurehead for the family.

Silas being 18 feels mature beyond his years, and he kept a calm expression, as he sits down by the two siblings, "It looks like mom won" Silas says looking defeated, he gazed at his baby sister who had cried so much that she fell asleep in Alaric's arms.

"you're joking.." Alaric begins to say, there is no way.. that they would be separated from their sister. "I wish i was. Bro, I wish" Silas continues now with his hands to his face, he couldn't bare to even face his sister.

It was just last week that they were a whole family, and now they're being separated.

Alaric looks down in defeat as well, and strokes his sister's hair, "why.. why can't mom just stay?" Alaric felt a lump forming at his throat as he tries not to cry, "..i don't understand why she wants to leave" Silas states as he gives his brother a pat on the back.

"..first dad, now mom, along with our baby sister" Alaric's eyes were already brimming with tears that it threatens to flow down his cheeks, Silas knew that it'd be difficult for all of them, and his heart was aching for his sister, and his brother.

Silas brings his brother to his chest, "it'll be okay. it has to be" Silas tries to reassure them, it isn't like their mother would forbid them from visiting.. right? Silas wasn't as concerned, and then little izzy wakes up, "ahh, my little princess wakes up" Silas gives his sister a poke at the nose, which her face scrunches in annoyance, "my little izzy" Alaric says as he rubs his tears away, still with the little girl sitting on his lap, Silas takes the little girl by the waist, so she's facing him. "silo am i really going away?" their baby sister questions as she's still denying it, the brothers don't say anything.

at least for a minute, until Alaric speaks up, "mom wants to take you on a really long vacation! and we haven't earned it yet, so you'll come back after the vacation" the little girl looks at her brother for a few minutes, "really? so i'm not going away forever?" the little girl begins to feel happy.

Silas gives a look to his brother, almost a painful look.

nonetheless he went on with what his brother started, "yes baby, we will be waiting for you, right here, when you come back" Silas lied, "Okay! promise? you pinky promise?" the little girl says seriously, and the brothers just smile sweetly at the innocent girl and they made their pinky promise, while they had their fingers crossed behind.

published: 2.25.23

a/n: let me know what you guys think

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