chapter 15

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b a c k t o s c h o o l | |  a p r i l 2 8


We arrived home like a few days ago, and now i have to mentally prepare myself for school, a lot has happened during spring break.

"Pap-Silo" i almost yet again called him papa, he was behind his desk and mounds of paperwork's to go over.

I heard from my friends there was a posted spring dance this friday, and I really would love to go..of course i didn't include the part where the St Allens' Boys School would be also attending the grand dance, it'd be a coed for that evening.

"yes baby" he responds, not looking up at me as he continues to write.

"There's a dance, that's happening this friday. can i go to it?" i enquired, and i held my breath as if it'd be a butterfly effect, he stops writing and he slowly removes his reading glasses as he makes eye contact with me.

"as long as you get your work done, and keep the grades up. You're allowed to go"

i exhaled and i was swift to go around his desk and now i bent a little to give him one of those neck hugs, "thank you papa!" i say without thinking as i make my way out of his office, really happy.

...i did leave out a major part, then again, it doesn't hurt anyone if nobody knows.. right?

Getting up to go to school on tuesday was so exhausting, the same routine, i get dropped off and i meet with my friends.

Having friends is something i never really experienced, and i just love being able to hang out with them, even Evelyn and the girls made up, and are now friends. As i entered the building, i get choruses of 'hi's and 'hello's from students i never interacted with, i just smile and give them a friendly wave, then i made it to my first class, English.

"Today. You guys will be constructing a quick write of how The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air correlates to The Hate U Give as we've been discussing in this class" Ms Daniels ask as she presents the instruction written on the smart board.

Ugh I barely paid attention, but I think I can bullshit through it.

thankfully some of my brain cells were of use, and i was able to complete the quick write, i made sure to include evidences found on pages 39, and 113, I picked Societal Expectations, Slang, and Code Switching, it was relatively easy once I got started.

before i knew it Friday was just around the corner, and today my brothers are taking me to go dress shopping.

I inhale as i'm happy with this dress, so i step out onto the platform, where Silas, and Alaric are sitting in those comfy sofas, before I could even twirl around, "Next" Papa says as he motions the tailor to bring another dress to me.

WHY the dress i currently was wearing is a blue sparkly short dress, it had a lace back along with a cute bow.

I reluctantly go back into the dressing room, and the tailor hands me whitish pink dress, it was one of those that required a bra less strap, and then near the ends are pleated ruffles. Happy with this look, I step out onto the platform,

"Good Riddance. What is this?" I could see the disapproving father look from Silas.

"Is there anything that is School Dance Appropriate?" he asks the tailor, and alaric supports Silas, so nobody is for me.

"Sir, this is popular dance dresses" the tailor explains, and i had to thank her, "Allow me. I'll find a suitable one" papa says having enough,

"But pap-Silo! I like this" my voice almost turned into a whine... when i say almost i mean i literally whined.

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