chapter 33

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It's scary how much we think that we know of someone but it turns out we all have a hidden side, and when I encountered with Dawson I was getting PTSD from when he'd touch me and I was afraid of being alone because only then would he strike... 

I am so happy I fell asleep peacefully knowing Alaric was by my side, yet there were many things about Silas I became curious about. 

to me he's this loving and doting older brother, but to think others would think otherwise.

the following morning, I found myself awake tossing at 6 a.m. and my feet drags me out of bed, when I realized I forgotten to grab my baby blanket from papa's room, I skipped towards his room.

I entered his room, and he was nowhere to be seen, until I see a sliver of light illuminating from his bathroom, I immediately went over to the bathroom and the scene that unfolds startles me. 

I see papa with blood covering his hands, "Papa!" I say getting his attention to me, as he's busy washing his hands and the whole bathroom reeked of blood. 

"Are you okay?" I went over to papa, and papa is startled by my presence, "baby-?!" he steps back from me, "papa did you hurt yourself?" I was getting nauseous from the blood, "...princess can you step outside for a minute?" he asks and I nodded, and it was a breath of fresh air, that's a lot of blood.. I hope papa is alright. 

after a few minutes papa emerges out of the bathroom, I did notice spots of blood on his shirt, "Papa did you do something, did the machinery hurt you?"  I proceeded to question, "oh. yes, the machinery went a little crazy and I wasn't being careful" papa explains, "ohhh is that why there's so much blood" 

"yes, baby, that's why" he gives me a kiss on my forehead, "how did you sleep? why are you up so early?" he questions as he gets a change of new shirt, "I couldn't sleep at all, and I miss papa a lot" and papa just brings me into his embrace like he hasn't seen me in forever. 

"I'm sorry, baby" is what he says and I'm confused, sorry for what? 

"papa why are you sorry?" 

"Because we never finished that bedtime story" 

"silly papa, it's just a story it won't run away" and papa just proceeds to give me kisses, 

"Are you sure papa is okay" he's being too affectionate, "mhm, let's cuddle" is all he says. 

so while cuddling I ended up falling asleep all over again, after another few hours it's now 9 a.m. my stomach was grumbling, but I couldn't get the amount of blood out of my head, even if it's a machine's too excessive, and why would he clean up at home? wouldn't he just clean up at the workplace? so many thoughts occupied my mind that I didn't even notice Silas sat on the edge of the bed. 

"Good morning, princess" he says when he notices I've awaken, "oh yeah, morning" I mumbled when I stretch my arms, I turned around in the bed to fetch for my baby blanket, "Papa where's my blanket, I slept with it" I ask and he just chuckles as he brings out my baby blanket. 

"hey! why was my blanket held as hostage" I grabbed my blanket, "mhm you ready for breakfast?" he asks and I nodded, but he told me to go ahead and find Alaric as he gets ready. 

without any questions I went off to look for Alaric and he was in his sweats and some skin tight shirt, "ric! let's have breakfast" 


I had taken a human life, as a doctor I felt disgusted with myself, I couldn't bear it any longer, and my baby had startled me as she caught me getting rid of the blood, I was panicking and then she said something to the effect of machinery, and I thanked Alaric for covering for me, but it doesn't change the fact. 

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