chapter 12

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i was sleeping for reals, but i did hear them talking about how our father died, and honestly how do i miss or feel about a person who i never met? or known, the only connection i have with that person is that he is nothing but a sperm donor.

sure, i'm thankful to have his genes that i look this great, yeah i have a big ego, i wonder where i get that from, as i glance over to my second eldest brother as he's busy checking himself out in the reflection of the building.

right now, we're on our way to the funeral service.

A valid reason as to why i am not in school, i finally get excused! but anyways, they told me about it, and i wasn't really feeling that bad, but i did want to attend the service regardless.

maybe i can understand Silas a bit more, understand his character, because sure Alaric and Silas both give off the domineering vibes when both of them are quiet, then Silas exudes masculinity when he speaks, and alaric is just a big child in a adult body.

either way, we're waiting on the service to begin, and alaric finally is done checking himself, and we sit ourselves in the first row.

not going to lie, i only been to church twice on the count of one hand, one for my mom's marriage between Stephen... i don't understand how that man is a proud christian but commits so many sins, even though i don't believe in god, i am far better than that Stephen dude.. i'm more of an angel than he'll ever be.,. i wonder if he even got accepted into heaven.. but whatever.

then the second occasion was because i was getting baptized, and honestly i wish they didn't force that on me, because during one of those sermons they mention something about how 'In god's eyes, sin is the same' and that alone sent me off the roof, you're telling me that me stealing from a store is the same level of sin as someone who commits a mass genocide..? oooh okay..

to get off the tangents of churches and religion, if it wasn't obvious enough, i don't have a set religion.

Sure, other people have their beliefs and that is completely fine as long as they don't push it onto me or try to convert me like Stephen did, either way i respect the religion, it's the people that i don't respect ...sometimes , baby" i hear Silas' voice bringing me out of my thoughts.

I still have to get used to the pet names they give me, i've just not used to it, i'm so used to 'slut' 'bitch' or anything that is degrading, "uh yes!?" i responded in a way that i was lost in thoughts, and spaced out, "You got a spring break coming up, We'll be visiting the States" Silas tells me, and i nodded.


It's so boring, especially when i don't have any feelings towards the dead man.

we went out for lunch and many women were staring at my brothers, didn't even heed any attention to me.

It was our waitress that i really didn't like, she kept batting her eyes or tried to push her cleavage in my brothers' faces, like when she sat us down, she didn't even look my way..

Oh boy is she in for a treat, she must think she'll get tipped so generously..

"Anything else for you sir" the brunette waitress says to my brother in such a weird way, I glanced at how Silas would respond.

Silas looks at the waitress and doesn't answer her as he turns to me.

"is there anything else you'd like beside the chicken tenders?" he asks me, and i thought for a few minutes, and i caught a glimpse of how that brunette bitch putting off the 'ugh' vibes as she had a fake smile towards me.

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