chapter 1

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9 years have passed now


life is really a slap in the face, my mom was out at work, and then my stepfather who at first was extremely nice and caring towards us, changed.

He doesn't show mom his other side though, he's pretty much the definition of a two-faced bitch. He's not been the nicest to me at all, now that they are officially married.

"You're such a useless bitch" my moms' husband, aka my stepfather, whose name is Stephen Erickson, the most basic white bitch name says to me as he slaps me on the face, causing me to step back a little.

I became so desensitized from all the beatings, and the verbal abuse that i no longer even cry or react, it's been happening since i was 7.

"Did you really think I'd love you as my own? did you? well you're pathetic, just wait until my own child is born, and your own mommy won't care about you anymore" he says and i hear that he begins to undo his belt, which i hate this part.

the gods must have been on my side because as he was about to strike me the sound of the garage door opening saved me my beating.

"you're so lucky you bitch. Now, if you say any of this to your mom, all of you are dead" he mentions as he puts his belt back on and turns away from me.

I mean i guess you should count me lucky for just getting beat and verbally abused, instead of sexually abused, at least he isn't that weird of a punk to touch me.

even though i turned 14 like a few months ago, i still felt the anger and bitter resent towards my brothers, they promised.

I try not to think too much about them, after all, they shouldn't even care since they didn't care that they lied.

they're probably living the best life out there, without a pesky annoying little sister.

I gather myself together, and gone to the bathroom to reapply my concealer to hide that i was being abused, and my mother is all to blame for being so blind sighted.

I asked her multiple times as a kid when we're done with our vacation, and the day i was 8 i found out the vacation was all just a lie my brothers made up.

i still can see the face my mother made, she laughed and ridiculed me as if i had three heads grown.

"Mom, when do we go home?" I asked her, it's been 4 years since i seen my brothers, and i miss them a lot, "Home? we are home" Mom says, and i give her a confused look, "no.. home.. like where ric and silo is" I explain, then mom just laughs at me, "they lied to you darling. They don't want you, hell, they don't even love you" mom says, and for the first time feel a sting to my heart, "you're lying! we promised, we even pinky promise" I say, now tears verging, "Oh how innocent you are. Darling, promises mean nothing." Mom's voice at the end turned cold and unemotional, she didn't care.

"Now run along, and go help your father" mom says, "he's not my father!" I say angrily say, i never met my father, he left when i was born, and i don't know if he is even out there, but i know the man mom married isn't my dad.

"get used to it, you'll be a big sister sooner or later" Mom says, and i just turned away and ran towards my bedroom.

i splashed cold water onto my face as i tried to forget that stupid memory, i really was pathetic, to think that there's such thing as a really long vacation?

I should've have known when i saw that everything of mine was packed up, mom is right, they didn't love me, they even lied to my face, and i trusted them with my life.

later that day, Stephen says that they're going on a date and that i should have the house cleaned by the time they're back. Mom didn't even object, she agreed that i need the experience so i can be a good housewife for when i get married, and i scoffed after they left.

if i'm being completely honest, i don't remember what my brothers look like or what they are like, they could be just like Stephen, bunch of son of bitches.

i began to clean the bathrooms first, since it's always the easiest, and around 8pm i get a knock at the door, and i see red and blue lights flashing outside the window, "hello?" i say as i open the door, and the female police officer steps forth, "Are you Isabella Erickson?" the officer asks and i nodded, "well, we want to inform you that your parents have died in a t-bone accident" the officer explains, i didn't know how to react, or what the best way to convey my emotions were.. all i knew is i am celebrating the death of Stephen that bitch saw it coming.

as for my mom? i sorta felt something, i don't know how to feel, "..oh" Is all i managed to say and the officers basically took me to their station.

who is going to take care of the bills, and the utility, and me... was the first thing that came to my mind, i didn't even think about the news i heard, then suddenly it dawns on me..

i'm going to be united with my brothers. even though it wasn't officially announced i could predict what they'll say.

"Okay. We called your brothers, and they're more than willing to take you in. It's going to be a 6 hour flight" the police officer says,
"no, i don't have brothers" I say adamantly, i didn't want to face them, it's been 9 years and i don't know how i should even begin to think about having to live with them all over again.

"We searched and you have two older brothers to be exact" the same officer says, and then she begins to type into her computer, and then a social worker is brought to me, and they said it's to escort me to london... holy shit london? a whole fucking ocean apart.

"great. can i pack my stuff or ?" i start to say, "Yes. Whatever you want" she says kindly, and i nodded.

and the positive part is i don't have to even clean the house anymore, perks to having those motherfuckers getting into a t-bone accident, i know that sounds bad when i say it like that but.... do i care? no, the fuck not i don't.

i compile a small list of things to bring, i am definitely bringing my baby blanket, my winnie the pooh stuff bear, and lastly my eldest brother's sweatshirt that i kept for keepsake.

strangely enough it smells the same as before, so that'll help me identify who my brother is, or at least i hope.

i might as well just leave the rest behind since i want a start, and just to forget the painful memories.

the same police helped escort me to the airport along with the social worker, "Hello, My name is Claudia, i will be your escort" she says as she shakes my hand, and i just give a courteous smile.

and off to london here we go, i felt so nervous each time, even though we been on the plane for a good 30 minutes, each minute that goes by is one step closer to reuniting with my brothers, the very brothers who broke their promise.

who am i kidding? it was just a silly old pinky promise, no need to hold a grudge for that long... yes the fuck we do, we need to make sure they feel sorry.

I have it all planned out, i am going to act all dumb with them like they don't exist, and soon they'll be begging for forgiveness, i want to hurt my brothers as much as they hurt me. i am the definition of petty.

I will be so petty, even if i am over the issue.. or whatever, i will be petty for the sake of being petty.

published: 2.25.23

a/n: oh boy.. her brothers are in for a treat.. honestly I'd be the same.

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