chapter 21

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my eyes fluttered open as the morning sun shines through the blinds, laying on my side i just see my winnie pooh and the bed is empty.

i sat up on the bed and stretched myself, and the image of that monster kept replaying in my mind, it was standing all of a sudden at that door and it was so creepy.

Right. I need to be careful.

when papa arrives back he's been different, it's evident, and i wasn't ready to forgive him.

he disappears for a month without saying anything, and does he expect me to just move on?

and if that is the case, he has something in store just for him.. i left my blankets and stuffy animal on papa's bed, as i make my way towards the bathroom.


i etched along the corridors as the voices of my brothers saying my name brings my attention, i remained stilled as i eavesdropped.

"I think it's best if you reconsider" papa says, "No, I thought it out. I will make something of myself, and all i ask is for Isabella." Alaric's voice is strong and vibrant, and for a moment it was silent.

i heard my own breathing, and finally one of them spoke up, "No. That isn't part of the deal. I spot you with money, Isabella stays with me" Papa's voice is firm and I already know how this will end up.

this reminds me of how our mom took me from them, and Silas couldn't do anything about it, is alaric really... leaving?

"Wait! Are you leaving" I jump out from my hiding, and my brothers turn their attention towards me, "Isabella?" Papa says in a questioning way, proceeding along with Alaric's comment of, "What are you doing here?" i gave him a deadpan look, "Oh. I don't know, maybe because I live here?!" i end on a sarcastic note, and papa gives me one of those 'Knock it off' looks.

so i shrugged, what kind of dumb bozo would ask that? Oh right. my brother that is who.

"okay yeah, but eavesdropping? seriously?" he shakes his head, I look to papa and he doesn't want to make eye contact with me.

"Well. When were you ever going to actually tell me?" i defended myself, seeing as nobody else will.

"Doesn't matter" he says and he just walks off, and I furrow my brows.

what is up with my brothers thinking it's okay to just walk out of a conversation?

again, left with Silas.

a heavy silence fills the air, and i didn't know what to do, and by the grace of god, Papa speaks.

"darling, there's nothing for you to worry about, okay?" he gives me a quick peck on my head, "Yeah. alaric might leave" voicing my concern, only to receive a dissatisfied sigh, "Even if he does, you can see him, and vice versa" and with that i just nodded.

"Also. You forgot majority of items you sleep with." he mentions, and i inhale and puff my cheeks before exhaling, "i know, i'm going to sleep with you again" i say matter-of-fact, he cocks a eyebrow in curiousness, "Baby are you feeling well?" and this was when he puts the back of his palm to my forehead, "i'm not sick see?" i hate keeping secrets, it makes me feel so bad.

both physically and mentally, it's draining, then a sudden sneeze sets, and I managed to bring my arms to my mouth, "Nothing too bad then" and he releases me, but continues to examine my body.

he's now crouching as he examines if i was hurt anywhere,

"i told you i'm fine" i got a bit short, and this was when he looks up, "Okay. If you say so" he gets up and now he's taller than me.

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