chapter 7

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As said by my brother, Silas, he's been dropping me off to school, and i wasn't as nervous, since i befriended Evelyn, and i haven't invited her back since Monday, and it's already Thursday.

I made more friends, most of them came up to me, and i felt so happy, i went from being bullied at my last school, to now being like actually liked, nobody has picked on me.. and those girls from earlier, they even talked to me, and even though they gave me those judgmental looks, they were really nice!

their names were, Susie, Amara, and Lydia, "oh, we have lunch together!" it was Lydia who exclaims, and these girls helped me with everything, and then i forgotten all about Evelyn.

then at lunch... "You sit with me though" Evelyn says as Lydia was gesturing me to sit with them, and i was conflicted.

it was i sit with Evelyn who is obsessed with my brother, or sit with Lydia, Susie, and Amara who are also obsessed with my brothers.

"um... why don't you sit with us?" I suggested, and Lydia was trying her best not to make a disgusted face, and Amara was quick to reject, then there was Susie who didn't say much.

"I'll sit with you tomorrow" I tell Evelyn, and so i sit at their table who was about 3 tables away from where Evelyn sat alone, i felt sorry.

I don't see why we couldn't all just sit together..

throughout lunch, Lydia instructs us to lean in closer, "Did you know that Evelyn is the most fakest person. She stole a necklace that was from my father" Lydia says, and i was shocked. Evelyn.. seriously?

"oh, and the moms that she has, they just are two best friends who live together.." Amara added, "wait. how do you guys know this?" I was curious now, "me and evelyn used to be really close friends in primary, then she moved away in year 4, then came back year 7." Amara starts to say, and i nodded, so she proceeded, "in year 7, she changed so much. she disregarded us, she even tried to convince us her moms' were lesbian, just so she'd be cool and different" i felt really sorry for evelyn, why did she lie?

"and you know the story where she was in a petri dish and placed in her moms' stomach, well that's a lie." so she has a dad is what i thought.

"so.. she has a dad, but why pretend?" i ask, and suddenly the table gone silent, " guys" I proceed, until Susie opens her mouth to talk,

"her dad is ... in jail, for really bad bad reasons" Susie concludes, "whoa" is the only thing i made out, but to think one has to hide their identity because of that, "but it doesn't mean evelyn is a bad person" I say, and Lydia interjects, "she stole a necklace that my dad gave me.. my dad is part of the Royal Air Force" "oh. that's bad" i agreed, she must not see her dad often then.

and finally lunch came to an end, and i made it towards maths, still the new information i got from them made me look at Evelyn in a different light, her dad really is in jail?

the day gone by so fast, because i was still mulling over the information and when i arrive home, i wasn't able to focus on my homework.

i look down at my bruises and they were finally healing, i know everyone has their story, that's why they act like they do, but.. to basically lie about where you came from that's just.. sad.

i probably could have lied and said that my brothers were my bodyguards and that my parents are powerful people.. but that sounds so silly.

"Izzy, what are you thinking about" Alaric's voice brings me out of my thoughts, and i see that he is situated across from me, "well. evelyn's dad is in jail, and she steals people's stuff" and the moment those words left my mouth, i regretted it, because my brother looked so pleased with himself, "i knew it! no wonder why i found her annoying" he was praising himself, and i just felt more sorry for evelyn and it's my fault that i painted this picture of her.

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