chapter 18

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|| 5 days later ||

and it's been 5 days since papa dearest is gone.

boy did I throw a massive tantrum, i just about caused a havoc in this place, until Alaric was able to reign me back in, he told me I should do archery to let off steam, or go to a shooting range, and honestly just shooting the bow & arrow.

released a lot of pent up frustration, thankfully that Violet person never showed her face again, i don't regret shouting at her, I don't know how I will be able to face my eldest brother.

whom I look up to like a father, "Alaric." i call out to him, as he's lounging in the sun chairs outside the pool area.

"yeah? what's up" he responds still with his eyes closed, sometimes I feel like he's a bit zesty.

"so is Silas just not coming back?" i ask, it's been a full week, and it feels like forever.

as mad as I am at him, I still.. a part of me misses him a lot.

this was when Alaric shot up from the sun chair, "what!? why are you asking that?" he's in disbelief, he makes it seem like I just announced I'm pregnant.

"because he hasn't even called or contacted" i reasoned, i wasn't lying, I haven't even heard from him since the day he said good morning to me.

"he's going to come back tonight alright?" Alaric reassured me, and I just give a 'hm' response, i jumped into the pool and splashed ric, and he about screams like a little girl.

"Oh. Game on" he says, and then he tosses his shirt off and then cannon balls into the pool, it was like a tsunami for me, as it pushes me further to the deep end.

"wait! I can't touch the bottom" I shout in panic, I never been this far out.

"you can't swim?" he asks surprised, "um." I didn't want anyone to know, "i can!" I just suck though, doggy paddling is the only way I can swim.

"Teaching moment! I can help you" he says, and he comes towards the deep end and fetches me.

when I say fetch, more like I cling onto him as he swims as closer to the shallow.

"alright. basics." he says, and I show him that I do know some bits, but very foggy.

"hey this reminds me, how you'd be in your little donut floatie as Silas pushes you around" Alaric let's a chuckle out, and my face gets that tingly sensation.

"oh god. I did everything with him then" I hated that I was so close with Silas, but yet!! he is the one that makes me so mad and extremely sad.


as the clock ticks, I keep looking to the front entrance and keen on listening for garage door opening.

"he won't be back until late" Alaric keeps saying to me, "and I don't have school" i don't look at Alaric, as I keep peering out the window.

"come on, you need to eat. he'll be home soon" again ric tries to pry me off of the window sill, and eventually I caved in, since my stomach is rumbling.

"okay. it's your favorite, shrimp Alfredo" and I instantly feel myself drooling at the sight, and so I ate dinner happy.

the clock chimes and it's now 9pm, dinner was 3 hours ago, and nothing yet.

"babes he'll be here when you wake up"

"I wanna see him now" I argue, and so Alaric leaves me to waiting on papa.

I don't know how long I've been in this spot but I feel myself getting tired, and my body slouches but I catch myself dozing off.

Stay awake.

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