chapter 9

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I didn't have the courage to turn around and see him, so i just waited until he took a seat at his desk. I began just picking at my finger nails, and around the cuticles.

"Have you thought about what you did?" my brother's voice is crystal clear as it brings me out of my swirling thoughts,

I remained silent, this is the part where my plan will come in handy..

"Since you don't feel like talking, i'll do the talking" he continues, and i still didn't meet his gaze.

"I don't know what sort of family you lived with, but throwing food at the table is extremely rude" he says, firmly.

there was no ounce of warmth to the tone of his voice, watch he's going to get rid of me now i just stared at his torso area, counted the number of buttons were there,

it was an abusive household is what i wanted to blurt out but i remained silent, i couldn't find my voice.

"I understand you didn't like that Alaric stole your strawberries, and it was wrong of him to taunt you" and i actually silently agreed with him on that,

"However, since you are still a child, i won't punish you. it was after all just a trivial matter" He concludes, I'm not a fucking child is what i wish i can say, but no punishments? what in the world.. i swear i thought he would get rid of me.

"I'd appreciate it, if you can give me a verbal response that you understand" he proceeds to say, and this time i met his gaze.

"I understand." I say and his eyes and facial expression was unreadable, "Now, please go and wash up" he says which i nodded and i shuffled out of his office.

My heart finally was able to slow down, i can't believe that i was nervous for no reason.. it's just my brother after all.

I laugh at myself, because i was really about to shit my pants, he scared me shitless, but ican't believe that he did that in front of my friends... i guess that was my punishment, to embarrass me.

whatever.. i'm just happy that he isn't kicking me out. I had whip cream in my hair and i felt so gross, so a shower sounds lovely at the moment.


everyone was gathered by the table as they took their seats and it was good to actually see this dining room look alive.

i made sure that today's breakfast included strawberries, even when she was a little baby, she preferred strawberry flavored food, and honestly i'm so glad she still loves strawberries, and then i didn't realize that Alaric taking her strawberries would result in a food fight.

i had scheduled to meet with someone to plan the funeral and now i have this to deal with, often times i wonder what is going on through that head of alarics, how is this man 22.. nonetheless, i raised my voice to settle it down, and they just froze still, and honestly it wasn't something i'd thought i would do, but i was strict and stern with all of them, once her friends were picked up, now my least favorite part..

i have to play the villain, and i hated being this strict with my siblings, especially my little princess, i only ever want to show her my good side, but after what happened, both of them need serious discipline.

I never thought in my 27 years of living that i'd have to scold my 22 year old brother, and i sent Isabella to my office.

After i heard what Alaric said, i had to re-examine myself, it isn't my place to scold him, he is an adult, and he knew that taking the strawberries would result in that.. but i just can't seem to understand how i have to be the one to play the villain.

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