chapter 40

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It was really nice to spend time with Amara, I played some billiards with her.

"Wow Izzy you never told me you were phenomenal in Billiards" Amara comments and I just give her a small smirk. 

"Oh it's just beginners luck" I shrug nonchalantly and she just rolls her eyes out of annoyance at my humility. 

"You know my place isn't as grand as yours so like what brings you here?" she starts to question, how am I suppose to tell her that my brother knocked up our head chef and I feel uncomfortable? 

"Just a change of scenery, and hey your place is really beautiful" it was true, her place was exceptional it was spectacular and on a smaller scale she still has a pool both in and out and her parents are both lawyers. 

"Amara how does it feel to have both parents as lawyers do they ever go against each other in court?" I suddenly ask out of curiosity. 

"Well that seldom happens, as they are both in different fields of law" she explains, and so hours gone by without really noticing the time passing by then I dreaded the thought of returning home. 

but I did reopen my phone and I saw 47 missed calls from papa... I began to feel guilty. 

then the 100+ unread messages from him, I inhale as I open the messages. 


well I am most defiantly in a lot of trouble when I get back home and poor Victor he's going to get the end of the stick. 

"Hey thanks for having me over" I gave Amara a hug as she wishes me a safe travel back, so now I'm back in the car as Victor drives me back home. 

upon entering the driveway, I saw the security guards increase as well as the entrance back in. 

We were keyed in and as the garage door opens my heart was racing so fast, it felt like running a marathon. 

it was around 7 at night by the time I returned and the sun had already set and the lights within the estate was dimly lit, but like those cliche movies with the parent sitting in the dark as the kid turns the light on - well I was expecting one of those. 

I braced myself as I entered the main hall of the estate and I was praying for Victor that nothing bad happens to him, but I tried to calm my nerves as I needed to face my consequences. 

While walking about the main hall, no noise was to be heard and then I hear distant moans from one of the rooms I was disgusted but then I see my papa making his way towards me. 

Wait - if he's here then who is that she's with ? 

"Baby thank god you're back" Silas pulls me into his embrace and I was confused. 

"wait.. this is weird you should be yelling or at least mad at me" I ramble as I am in a tight embrace. 

"Mhm I was livid that's for sure, but I'm just glad to see your home and safe" he kisses my forehead, "...wait papa I hear moaning I thought you were you know-" I didn't want to say the word and his face turns solemn. 

"Well. I found out Aubree is pregnant but it isn't mine" he concludes and I felt a part of me happy to hear that but then I felt angry that Aubree could easily deceive us both like that? 

"..." I had no words to say, while papa continues to hug me as if I would disappear again, and I suddenly felt guilty for leaving him in this mess, I just assumed the worse - and I wasn't there for him. 

"Papa I'm really sorry" and now the tears were spilling as I look up at him, "Shh, baby I hate seeing those pretty eyes of yours crying" he releases me from his embrace as he uses his thumb to brush the tears away.


soon enough I was being consoled by him in my room, and I felt ashamed that I should be the one to console him - like he just was cheated on basically and to even lie about the whole pregnancy bullshit made me fume with anger. 

I take back everything I said of Aubree, she's a serpent in the flowers, playing that pitiful victim only to deceive us. 

"why would she lie about that?" I ask my brother, "well to inherit the Crowne" he responds and I felt disgusted, this isn't some monarchy where people lie about having the king's child just for benefits .

"Papa is it bad that I am glad you actually didn't get someone pregnant" I tell him which receives a chuckle from him. 

"I didn't think I'd be discussing my personal affairs with my sister" he flicks my forehead but I fake a ow. 

"ow that hurts" I say as I touch myself there and suddenly his demeanor changes, "oh. im so sorry baby" he gives kisses to my forehead. 

" what happens to her?" I began to play with my brother's hair, why? because I don't know I guess because it's so soft and since it's too short to be braided all I can do is just swirl his hair around with my fingers, "you know as a baby there was many times you tried to eat my hair" he informs me, and I get embarrassed at the thought of trying to eat his hair. 

"But it was all so adorable though" he proceeds, then he answers my previous question. 


I saw red, I knew something was off when she announced her pregnancy to me, women like her makes me remember why I don't date or try to at least - but she technically didn't cheat on me since we were just a situation ship right? 

I was getting pretty antsy about Isabella being gone for 10 hours it seems, but then I looked at my phone and saw she at least read my messages which brings me a sigh of relief. 

as livid as I had wanted to be for when she returns I couldn't especially after finding out about Aubrees' hidden agenda of pretending to be pregnant with my child only to get the benefits and when I heard her in a room being very - very seductive my gut feeling knew that it wasn't my child. 

while waiting for Isabella to arrive home safely, I ended up leaning against the bathroom wall as I tried to distract myself. 

...this is why I don't love - they just hurt you, at least my constant will always be Isabella and Alaric. my two constants in life that keeps me moving, but I can't even be exactly mad at Aubree. 

she had wanted to pursue things deeply with me but I refused her, and so I suppose I get this in the end, I just wasn't ready to be fully committed. 

I found myself sitting on the edge of my princess's bed as she's deep in her slumber, and I started to think about life and how precious she is to me. 

after sometime looking at her sleeping form before looking at the illuminating light of the moon casting into her room, I give her a gentle kiss to her temple as I departed myself from the room.

 I took this serene night as my chance to call Alaric and update him on all the chaos that's been happening in his absence. 

so much for a laid back winter break right? maybe children are really a good indicator if people are good or not, because I vaguely remember Isabella being upset about the affairs I had with Aubree... 

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