chapter 43

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It was happening all over again, I felt like my brothers swapped places, and I was dreading the worst for Alaric. 

I normally sleep on plane rides but I couldn't due to the stress of knowing that Alaric is under a delicate operation. 

We finally arrived at Athens, and we briefly stopped by the hotel that Papa already checked us in via the Internet, so all we had to do was find our room number. 

We placed our suitcase there, and I wanted to see Alaric and just see how he was really doing, despite Papa reassuring me countless times, I was still on edge.

"Okay, baby. We're going to the hospital, alright? and don't get your hopes up too much" Papa explained to me as we got into the rental car, then the hospital came into full view. 

Greece is a beautiful country, and although it's a place I wanted to visit, I never thought I'd visit Greece under this circumstance...

I inhaled as I stepped into the hospital following closely behind Papa, as he was talking to some people in Greek. 

We were directed to follow the doctor, and the doctor pulled the blinds back from the room he entered, as he steps outside of the room closing the door before looking to us. 

"Η κατάσταση της επέμβασης είναι επιτυχής και ο ασθενής βρίσκεται σε ανάκαμψη," This doctor says. 

translation: Operation status is successful, and the patient is in recovery 

"Papa what is it?" I plastered myself to the window pane as I was observing Alaric's body so still that he didn't look like he was breathing, I couldn't see his face clearly but he seemed to be resting. 

"That Alaric will be just fine... after a good few days of recovering" Papa tells me and I sigh in relief, I won't let the universe take any of my brothers. 

I was exhausted from visiting the hospital and as much as I wanted to continue being by Alaric's side, the doctor ordered no visitors allowed in the patient's room and that really bugged me. 

But as I was protesting, papa told me to behave and that it was better to head back to the hotel to wind down. 

Yet, it was difficult to calm my mind as I wanted to be with Alaric. 

"You know I understand how difficult this is for you... especially when you almost lost me" Papa starts to say as he's undoing his button-up shirt, "It's not fair..the universe loves to play with my emotions" I retorted in frustration as I continued to sit on the sofa with my legs crossed. 

"I know baby, but sometimes the universe has a brain of its own" he responds while he takes off his shirt, revealing his refined structural back then out of mischief he throws his shirt at me. 

"What- that was random" I mumbled as the shirt was draped over my head, "Just messing with you, and besides to confuse your mind" he nonchalantly said, which brought me deja vu. 

I remember vaguely reading up on how if you don't know how to cheer someone up, confusing their mind is a good trick to get them off of whatever they're thinking about.. and I guess papa was right. 

"It's fine because the shirt smells nice" I'm a sucker for the cologne that smells like old spice, "Can I have your sweatpants?" I looked at the sweatpant he was wearing, it was one of those soft on the inside and just overall soft !! I had to have it. 

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