chapter 31

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I stared menacingly into that bastard's eyes, as he was on his knees. 

"You will fucking  tell me where the cameras are." I seethed as he already has blood running down his face as his nose was bleeding from the punch. 

"Ahah I see where Isabella inherits it from" his chuckling only makes me want to gauge his eye balls out. 

"Keep my little girl's name out of your fucking mouth"  I was damn close to pulling the trigger but I wasn't done playing with him. 

He doesn't deserve a quick death. 

suddenly he smirks, "Your little girl? hahahahaha well I had been graced to touch her bare ass" he throws his head back in amusement, and I saw red. 

"don't fucking push it" I had to remain in control, "too bad I couldn't do much fun with her before her abusive boring step father came back" he continues, and I tried to take in as much information as I could. 

I pressed the gun very close to his groin, "I bet you won't be missing that?" I cock my head as I point towards his manhood that will be destroyed shortly. 

his eyes suddenly widened, "let's - talk" he suddenly says in a very terrified way. 

I laugh as I pulled the trigger but aimed it at his foot, to give him a good warning that I am not playing games. 

"Okay okay. It's one of the stuff animals" he says quickly while wincing in pain, 

"now that wasn't so hard was it?" I smirk as I pull another trigger to his groin area, and I walked off as I ordered the security to bring him to the basement so I'll deal with him later. 

that's if he doesn't die from the lack of balls hahaha.. I felt myself losing to my inner dark side. 

I shook my head as I snapped out of the serial killer tendencies of mine. 

as I made my way back I went inside my princess's room and searched for all the stuff animals, and decided that I'll throw them all away and buy her new ones, I just couldn't know. 

except for her baby bunny that I  given her, I won't take that away. 

I retired back to my bedroom, and my eyes softened at the sight of Alaric and our baby sister cuddling in my bed. 

Alaric must have sensed my presence as he begins to get up but I stopped him, "It's okay" I told him, normally he wouldn't touch my bed at all but today is a special case, I needed him to distract her for me. 

I went to my ensuite bathroom and refreshened myself as I entered the shower, upon exiting my shower and applying some moisture onto my face I am met by Isabella with her baby blanket in hand as she rubs the sleep in her eyes. 

"Princess" I pulled her towards me, not minding the fact I just got done with showering. 

I look towards my bed and saw Alaric is sleeping heavily, "mhm, papa" she says sleepily as she tugs at the hem of the towel wrapping my waist. 

"shh baby, let's get you back to bed" I motion for her back to my bed, I always notice when she's not even fully awake, she acts like a baby while sleepy, I find it very adorable. 

after putting her back to bed, I returned to the bathroom and I finished getting washed up and changed into a skin tight cotton black t-shirt, as I slipped into some boxer shorts. 


the sun creeps onto my face as I awake with being squished between two bodies. 

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