chapter 23

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Like a pin dropping to the floor, everything gone silent, my mind numb.

My fist clenches, as I try to remain in control.

Standing across from me is the director, and next to her is the button.

"M'am with all due respect, i have obeyed and followed through with your orders. However, I object to this." I firmly say, memories of my princess begins swirling through my mind, from her first words to her first steps.

her expression turns to a smirk, and that alone makes my blood boil.

"Why. Mister Crowne don't you want the best for all humanity?" She laughs, looking down on me as her back is turned towards me while she looks at the big screen that displays the multiple hospitals across the nations.

That question alone, I didn't hesitate.

"No. If it's an experiment on her, I won't allow it." I furrow my brows, and it's become a anticipation game for when she presses the button.

"and that isn't up to you, now is it?" she scoffs and she continues to flip through the channels, "See? All these kids will suffer all because of you" she proceeds to say.

"There has to be another way." I press on, and then she says something to me that I never expected her to say.

"Your father is dead because of his disobedience." she utters bluntly as her eyes narrows into my eyes as if she's looking into my soul.

"...what?" all of sudden confusion arises from me, "that's right. your father had been a traitor." Her high heels clink the marble floors and she pulls up my father's profile.

"His mission is the same as yours. It appears the Crownes are so persistent in preserving their princess."

everything fell into pieces, my father... the very father who had abandoned us.. he had no other choice, it was all for our safety.

suddenly I sympathized with him, if that means my path will be the same as his, then so be it.

"You won't do anything to her." i glare, and she gives a soft laugh, "oh so you think."

"Alright. hypothetically, if you just extract her blood, then she's unharmed right." I went on, and her facial expression is unreadable.

"Sacrifices are made for the greater good." is all she says and she presses the very button that I was hoping she wouldn't.

And so like a switch, the other me is in control.


It's only been 3 days since our brother's disappearance, and time just feels slow.

we had no leads, and the only way to find out is to find him ourselves.

"Alaric. The office." I referenced as we rummaged about his bedroom, looking for clues.

"Apparently he gave us deep sleeping effect" Alaric makes a note as we venture off to his office.

"alright. Let's hope he hasn't changed the password." Alaric says, "Uh password.. yes" I tried to recall.

"okay. found it" and so the door opens.

We look at each other and brace ourselves.

"This has to be where our brother is" i say, and Alaric agrees.

I always been babied so much ever since meeting them, but for the first time I feel like the adult and what we do now dictates... what the outcome is.

nervously, I had to put on my brave mask and prop the door open.

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