chapter 2

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sitting at my desk as the rain falls, followed by a thunder, i overlooked some documents, and i accidentally knocked the photograph off of its stand.

I stood up and picked it up, and the photograph was a picture of my little princess, with her toothy grin and her Winnie the Pooh by her hands as i held her in my arms.

I try not to think much on her, she's with mom, and I don't think mom would let any harm come to her, so with that thought I was content.

The days that followed the departure of our sister was the most brutal days.

Me and Alaric didn't bother eating, we probably lost a lot of weight, and as the eldest I was responsible for Alaric.

everything seem so hopeless for us, Alaric began to fall behind in his school work, and he even quit the basketball team, and as for me?

I continued to provide for our little family, i had to act strong and even though I was hurting, I had to be  strong  for the both of us.

when our father left, before my little princess even got her name, Alaric was devastated, he secluded himself in his room, and only until he met with our baby sister was when he felt alive again, or seem alive.

and now, with our baby sister gone from us, we became cold and indifferent to people.

I lacked expressing my emotions, and i couldn't feel anything, even with my current girlfriend I didn't feel a thing, I was numb to everything.

it's been a good 9 years since our angel was taken from us. her giggles will always be etched in my brain, for awhile, I thought I was hearing things, and I was, because her room was vacant.

I acknowledge that we lied to her, only so she doesn't miss us too much, and it was hard on everyone.

My phone buzzed and I saw it was an unknown caller from the United States.

"Silas Crowne speaking, may I help you?" i spoke into my phone, and they stated they were the police from New York City and that if I am able to take in ... Isabella Erickson.

my little princess.. "yes. Please, send her to us" i say, I was ecstatic, for the first time in 9 years, I felt happy.

I could feel again, i was quick to call Alaric,

"what's up? is everything good?" Alaric says on the other line, normally I don't call him unless it's an emergency.

"We get to bring our baby sister home." i said, and the other line went silent for awhile.

it must be a shock to him, after all, Alaric and Isabella were very close.

"...really" he finally says, and I couldn't understand why he wasn't exactly feeling excited.

"yes. she's coming in by 11am" i continue, and so I hung up the phone.

It's been so long, and the thought of seeing our baby sister again after all these years, almost a decade.

I was feeling nervous, she's 14 this year, and I didn't know how to express myself, i don't know anything about her anymore.

she's not that 5 year old that we knew, and I'm sure she doesn't even remember us.

I reminded myself not to get ahead of myself, I just can't believe it took the death of 2 people for us to finally be reunited.

I stepped out of my office and floored towards our house.

our mansion, that we worked hard to earn.

in case our sister comes back, we wanted the best for her.

I ordered the maids to have everything prepared for a young teenage girl, and I decided to leave her soon to be room blank, and for her to decorate.

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