chapter 20

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Silas's car is parked in his spot as the garage door opens up.

i was more concerned for Izzy, and thank god she was sleeping.

last thing I want is for her to shut down, i pulled my car parallel to his parking spot, and I hit the garage button, i stepped out of my car and carefully picked Izzy into my arms, as she's snoozing away.

There hasn't been a single car ride where she's not fallen asleep.

time slowed tremendously, i emerge into the home, and I don't know what to expect.

one things for sure is his office is hiding something.

Silas stands leaning against a wall when I enter, waiting for his prey.

i held Izzy securely in my arms and I didn't bother to really speak with him, "I can take her." his voice sounds, and I turn to look towards his attention, This is the part I don't miss. Him just waltzing in like he can.

"It's fine. I got her." i tell him, "I wasn't asking." he proceeds to say in a hushed tone, I furrow my brows as I stare at him in disbelief.

my blood is boiling and I gritted my teeth as I reluctantly hand her over to him, to whom he gracefully carried her.

"You going to say where you were?" i question as I follow him up towards the stairs, "I don't have to answer." he responds coldly, very distant.

he was different, a lot different than before.

"She likes to sleep in your room." i tell him as I brush off the coldness he displays, his face contorts with fascination before he quickly replaces it to a stoic expression.

We turn towards his room, and i observe how gentle he is with our baby sister, it's a good thing that she's still sleeping.

i have no idea how she'd react.

he plants a kiss onto her forehead before he stands back up, "she's been good?" he looks to me and I decided to just shrug and responded the same way as he did.

of course his eyes constrict and he clenched his jaws, and I see his hands clenching to a fist.

"Alright. You can leave." he deadpans without bothering to look at me, as he begins to strip his shirt.

I take my leave and was fuming, how the hell has he become this arrogant cocky little bitch.


dinner was so fun, and even though I just felt so gloomy all of a sudden, next thing I knew I was waking up from a good slumber.

just out of habit I look to see if papa was back, but like a puppy my ears droop as I notice how vacant it was.

I don't remember how I got here, normally Alaric would just place me in my bed and I'd sleepwalk to papa's room.

suddenly I hear noises from his bathroom, which alerts me, then suddenly a mischievous idea comes to mind.

i quietly crept to the bathroom, and I wanted to startle Alaric, so I bursted the door open ready to yell out 'BOO'

but I see ... papa with shaving cream and a towel wrapped to his waist and hair dripping.

i stopped, standing at the door, i feel myself biting my cheeks hard.

he rinses his face and turns to me, "good morning, Isabella." he greets me, and the way he just said my full name threw me off.

"morning. sorry. i thought you were Alaric." i responded unemotionally, i don't need him to know that I missed him.

"That's understandable." he says, and things felt off.

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