chapter 39

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It was a blissful sleep and when I began my day out I remembered I have those cooking lessons with Aubree.. oh gosh. 

My dad and I cannot cook to save our lives and he bails out on the first lesson? gosh. 

When I made my entrance I noticed the two were discussing some stuff but as they noticed my presence their attention was on me, "oh? papa you decided not to go?" I thought since he had one of his business trips, "well, I took care of them here. Are you ready to begin the cooking lessons with your old man?" Silas gives me his usual good morning kiss to the forehead and temples, "Great, I'm so glad you didn't go" I was such clingy sister thinking about it. 

"Okay? ready to begin?" Aubree interjects our moment and I held the facial annoyance for papa's sake. 

"Always wash your hand before and after entering the food area" she begins to say, and I nodded then I look over at Silas and he was in some sort of trance to her and I quickly look away at the disgusting sight, so moving on. 

cooking lessons seem really fun, we got to taste test the ingredients as we went along, and at some point I actually found myself in awe of Aubree, she's actually so talented in cooking, she could whip up an amazing dish just on some $20 budget if that was really the case. 

For some reason I felt myself softening at the thought of Aubree, I mean I needed female figures in my life, and she's probably the closet thing I have to a female figure... mother figure almost. but that's pushing it. 

As my brother said I needed to stay cautious and that things can always go the opposite direction, I can't get my hopes up too fast. 

so winter break day 2 has been pretty laid back and chill as I began to help with chopping up the ingredients together with Aubree, and I think papa went off to the restroom. 

"there you go, that's it" Aubree praises me as she watches me carefully chopping the celery, "oh wow I bet it'll taste good" I say and I convinced myself that when I have to make something it just automatically tastes better because I helped prepping the meal? maybe it's just a me thing. 

laughter was a popular notion in the kitchen as I listen to Aubree's stories on how she even took interest in cooking, turns out she was the breadwinner for her family. 

"yep, my dad was being hospitalized due to work accident and we got the long term disability insurance but it wouldn't cover us on everything.. then my mom left us because of just how bad it got then I knew I had to step up" Aubree explains and I listened intently, I always love listening to other people's stories, and suddenly it's made me grateful for what I have. 

"really? your mom just left because things went bad?" I was angry on her behalf, that's a pretty shallow and cowardly move. 

"I mean I understood how it hit hard for her, she was a person of wealth and we had been a wealthy family- we had the means to live a comfortable life but then the business declared bankruptcy and my dad picked up a construction job" she proceeds to explain, and it still justify the leaving your family behind just because it got hard, like doesn't the wedding vows say 'In sickness and in health' something to that effect... so much for family sticking together. 

then suddenly I had a deja-vu moment, I always resented my brothers for abandoning me, giving me away like I was some dog that is brought back to the shelter because of someone's allergy to them...

either way, I sympathized with her and now that she's opening up herself to me, I felt some what closer, in some strange way I had stuff in common with her, well- just the being a dysfunctional family. 

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