chapter 6

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we ended up eating our chocolate mousse that the chef prepared, and Evelyn was loving every moment of it.

"where are your brothers though?" she asks, and I had no clue.

"uh, probably work" i say, and they never gave a specific time when they'd be back so.. freedom!

"you wanna swim?" i ask, "wait? you got a swimming pool!?"

"we have everything. we got the cinema, and a really nice garden and gymnasium" i tell her and she nodded.

"but.. I don't have a swimsuit" she says, and suddenly that gave me an idea.

"let's go skinny dipping" i suggest and she didn't know what that meant,

and I told her it's basically you swim naked.

"we can do that!!?" she says now excited, and I nodded.

i never been skinny dipping before, but since my brothers aren't home, i gotta use the moment.

"If your uncomfortable we don't have to, I can grab a swimsuit for you" i tell her, and she just shakes her head

"nah, it's cool" she says and me and her ended up playing water polo, and basketball in the pool.

then I help grab some towels and we dry ourselves off, then we decided going to the game room.

"you weren't lying when you said you guys had everything" she mentions as we play air hockey.

"well I'm not a liar!" unlike my brothers.

I didn't include that, but it was what I'd say.

and so we just did a lot of things, and migrated back to my bedroom, and we did each others' hair.

then I hear a knock at my door, "come in!" i yell as Evelyn is braiding my hair.

i was sitting facing the door entrance and I saw my brother Alaric.

I already noticed the change in Evelyn's' body language,

Why it gotta be Alaric now,

"What you doing kiddo.. oh and you brought a friend already" Alaric says as he enters the bedroom, and is quickly hit with the smell of lavender and other perfumes that have been sprayed.

"ahem." he coughs, as he sits on a spinning chair near the vanity.

"hi Isabella's brother" Evelyn says as she finishes braiding my hair, and she is definitely distracted, she didn't even finish it right.

"hello. you are?" Alaric looks to Evelyn, as if she's done something terrible, cause the facial expression he holds isn't the same as when he talks with me.

it's a lot brutal. he just gave Evelyn the most deadliest glare, "Uh- I'm Evelyn!" she sticks her hand out , but Alaric looks to her hand and turns his nose up.

"my little Izzy." Alaric turns to me now, and his voice changes and his expression a lot gentler.

I noticed that evelyn was confused and she attempted to mask her hurt, but she was hurt.

and so Alaric uses this chance to call me the nickname that he's given me since I was born..

"be nice. to my friend." i say not batting an eye at him, and looked so offended.

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