chapter 10

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i hadn't realize it was Silas, birthday, and i knew that he's gone through so much troubles just raising me, and that i should really be grateful, he could've just declined in taking me in... regardless, today i need to be extra nice, i know that my plan hasn't exactly gone the right way.. but i wanted to just forgive them already ...! Stop believing in their lies i wish that i can just love them, but my heart just hurts.

I made a plan with alaric, me and him managed to say sorry, and we just moved on from the incident, forgive and forget. Now, me and alaric decided to work together and bake a cake for Silas' birthday, and Alaric was pretty good at baking, and i didn't think he'd be good at it, thankfully there was the baker there in case we needed assistance.

his presents are on its way, but i dont know when he'll be back, so for now this homemade cake, and home crafted birthday cake has to suffice.

the moment that the garage door opens, we got into position and when he set foot, we let confetti go everywhere .. which i'll probably have to clean up later, but whatever, right now it's my brothers' birthday.

After i explained everything to him, my body just hugged him... i hugged him.

i hugged him

but my body must have needed it, because even with the voice yelling at me to retreat, my body just remains still as if that's what i wanted all along, i missed this, i miss him, and i didn't want to show that, so after a few minutes i retreated back and we led him to the dining room.

"It's homemade!" Alaric chimes in as he hands the cake cutting utensil to Silas, and that's when Silas cocks an eyebrow as if we're trying to poison him, "It's not poisonous!" i say as i took a bite, and i realized that it was wrong of me to have the first bite ...

"Well, since you ate it, then i know it's safe" Silas says and he cuts into the cake, and soon we all just were like a normal family.

i felt normal, and then the fun and joyous moment was soon ruined as Silas entire tone was all serious.

"where did you get that" he says, and i realized that i exposed my needle marks, i cursed at myself, "um- get what?" it was now in this moment to initiate the part where i play dumb "don't give me that bs." he says and somehow he stands me up and he examines my body, "this." Silas hold on me tightens and that was when Alaric steps in, "Bro, you're hurting her" Alaric says as he separates his hold from me, "Get her out" was the last thing i heard my eldest brother say, as Alaric takes me away from the premises.

" he mad at me?" i never seen him look that way, sure he gets his moments were he is mad, but i never seen him.. look livid if looks can kill i know i'm already dead.

"izzy.. look at me when i say this" Alaric is now kneeling as he locks eye contact with me, "..what" i say continuing to play dumb,

"Were you abused" he says, and i swallowed hard, and my throat began to dry, "Answer me" Now Alaric was mad.. he never gets mad..

Now you exposed yourself. Bravo the voice in my head was ridiculing as now i am dead meat.

"i-.. i" i stammered, and tears were brimming, "Who did it" he proceeds and now he stands up as he pulls me into his chest, i still couldn't find my voice, i tried to answer but nothing came out, "Are you in pain?" he moves onto a question that i am able to answer, "no.. it doesn't hurt anymore" i say in almost a whisper, "..Can you please go to your room?" He says softly and i nodded, as i fought the tears that threaten to spill.

"I'll come to you, when Silas has settled down" alaric gives me a kiss on my forehead, before he returns in the direction of the dining room..

I was so confused, and upset, we were celebrating Silas' birthday... and now i ruined it.

the door was already opened, and i just sat on my bed, so confused.. are they both mad at me?


The cake was cut and we all just were enjoying ourselves, and to be honest i thought she'd hug me first, but im happy that she gave him a hug, he really needs it, especially on this day.. the day our father walked away.

and then suddenly the atmosphere changes, and when Silas grabs hold of my little izzy's arms, i saw it too, it was needle marks, and i saw the bruises and it took a lot of self control not to throw a chair, as for Silas.. he was so consumed in his anger that he was grabbing onto my little izzy too tight.. i had to rip his hold away from her, and when he orders for her to be taken out of the room, i was more than willing.

I was also upset, and angry, but i was more rational, i can understand why he's a lot more angry, since he was the one that changed her diapers, and taken care of her, i was just the annoying brother who would deprive our baby sister of her pacifier...

when she didn't even answer any of those questions, i finally asked if she's still hurting from them, there will be hell to pay.

I was content that she wasn't hurting now, but i wanted her to be in her room in case that Silas and I, both lose our temper.

speaking of him, i have to return and get him back to reality.

"I thought she was living a wonderful life" was the first thing i heard when i re-entered the room, "You aren't the only one." i responded, his eyes were glowing with murderous intent, "Why don't you go hit the some bags?" I suggested, trying to deescalate the situation, "Alaric. I should have fought harder to keep her with us" he continues, and now he was in a mixture of sadness and anger.

"By law, we couldn't do anything" I tried to reason, ever since we both lost our baby sister, he's been blaming himself since then, and now he blames himself more.

"I raised her tenderly, and ... some heinous person dares to abuse her" his voice now, i couldn't tell if he was calming down or about to go on a rampage, "You're scaring her, bro. You need to go hit the bags" I say again, and hoping it gets through to his head, and like he was snapped out of a trance, "Oh my days. She must be scared of me now" he says and i wanted to say no, but i honestly don't know what to say.. he really held her tight by the arms.. i know he didn't mean to, but.., i can't speak on her behalf.

"i need to get out of here" he says and i nodded in understanding, in other words he'll be gone for a few days to cool down, however i was against him just leaving now this time.

"What will Izzy think about that then?" i question, and he calms down, "I can't leave, i just. I will go hit the bags as you suggested" he said, and so we exited the dining room, and now that he's gone to the fitness room, i made my way towards Izzy's room.

published: 2.27.23


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