chapter 4

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all i ever wanted to do from since i saw her is give her a long hug, but i know better than that.

I need to build her trust... and i'll always cherish her.

honestly, i'm not ready to raise a teenage girl, and so when we barged into her room as followed by the scream.

i thought of the worse, that maybe she hurt herself by accident, but then Alaric says something 'puberty' and of course i know what that is, but i was so worried that i said the most dumbest thing, thinking puberty is a disease.

in some ways, i know that alaric really cares for our baby sister, he's always been that supportive brother, even as kids they were always up to mischief, one being pranking me all the time.

i'm not jealous of the bond that the two of them had, i was always thought to be the most responsible and it's understandable since i'm the oldest one.

even so.. i want to be a kid sometimes, i'm the definition of party pooper, i ruin moments that involve fun, as if there's having fun is a bad illness.. i just want my little princess to be rested for tomorrow's big shopping day.

Sunday, 9:13am, the two munchkins are still asleep, even though i said we're leaving 10 am sharp... haizz, i already taken a shower, had breakfast, and even done my workout because i woke up at 6:30am.

for the remainder of the time, i did some finalizing on project, i look to the clock it was 9:33am.

I walk back up the stairs and heard the shower was on for alaric, so he is up.. now isabella.

i strolled down to her bedroom, and i knocked to make sure that i wasn't going to walk in on her changing.

no response, so i took that as my cue to open the door, and there she was sleeping away..

it was nostalgic, she never was a morning person, and even though she's 14, she still is the same little girl that i came to spoil. i sat down at the edge of her bed, and i found myself just gazing at her sleeping form.

"baby, time to wake up" i nudged her gently and she acts all sleepy, as she makes a 'mhm' noise before turning her back on me as she continues to sleep.

"cmon, you can have ice cream for breakfast.." i bribed, it worked well on her when she was 5, now she begins to stir awake and she swings her legs onto my lap as she's stretching and for a moment she holds my hand.

i cherished moments like these, and then she was fully awake, "eh? oh sorry" she says flustered as she pulls her hand away from mine and she moves away  from me.

i read the clock and it was now 9:45am, "you got 15 minutes" i say and she was quick to get out the bed, disappearing off to the bathroom, i ended up chuckling as i watch her scrambling all over.

"I got you this" I say as i handed her a bag of chocolates through the door, and left the bag there, returning to the main hall.

"I don't know how the company hires you" i say to Alaric as he comes striding in a simple white t-shirt and some sweatpants.

"on time, and just too good looking" Alaric yawns as he walks pass me grabbing an apple to munch on.


finally everyone was present and the chauffeur helps open the car door for us, and we all pile into the black sleek land rover.

"whoa" isabella is amazed with the shopping mall, it was a big market like place and with canopy over us and the park is smack middle of the entire department stores, "this is so cool!" she says as she's running through the crowd, and this is when my dad mode kicks in.

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