chapter 11

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it's been at least 30 minutes, trapped in my room, i wasn't allowed to leave until Alaric said that it's fine.

i gone to the bathroom and tried to cover the bruises but I couldn't seem to hide it, because now that my brothers know..

I don't know what they'll think of me, i went back to my bed, until I hear a knock, then the door opens.

"Alaric!" I never been so happy to see him, even though my bedroom isn't at all boring, it's the fact that being confined in here is boring.

"Silas gone to the gym for the time being." He responds, and I nodded.

"..he's scary when mad" i say, and Alaric nods, "I know Izzy. But that doesn't mean he hates you, he loves you a lot." he proceeds to say, and I feel a bit better at hearing that.

"do you know why he reacted so ... I don't know, livid?" i ask, and Alaric sits me down in my bed as he sits beside me.

"I don't want to really tell you this but, you know he was the one to take care of you, the day you left the hospital, our mother was too consumed with other substances." Alaric starts to say, and i actually was listening, I always felt like Silas and I weren't close when I was little.. but I guess we were closer than I thought.

"He changed your diapers, was there on those nightly cries, even if it was at ungodly hours, it was him that took care of you." Alaric concludes.

"pause. he? how old was he, to change my diapers? was he even certified" i question, I can't imagine changing a babies' diapers,

"he just turned 13" he retorts, wow..and here I was thinking that he was the one I least had a connection with, and how he would toss me aside.

"...that young wow" i gained a whole new perspective of Silas.. silo.. as I used to call him.

"you know my fondest memory, is when you were about 2, and the first words you uttered was 'papa'" Alaric is laughing his head off, I feel my face redden in embarrassment.

"it was so cute too! you thought he was your dad" he continues, and my face is getting redder by the second, I am embarrassed as it is.

"don't worry. You grew out of that" he says and I was reassured, "thank the lords." I say, and maybe now that's why I hate Silas the most, because he was the one I loved the most...

I wasn't really sure how long I haven't seen Silas.. but why should I care.. right now I have to prepare what I have to say, I couldn't even tell Alaric.

"mom.. she was remarried" I started to say, maybe telling Alaric will help me when I have to tell Silas.

But I still don't trust them.. what if they're just like Stephen.. ugh

"..and so it was him who abused you?" Alaric connected the dots without me having to say anything.

"did she know.. did she let it happen." Alaric presses, and i shook my head, "he was really kind.. when she was around, then when she left for work, the monster comes out" i say quietly, I wasn't sure why I was telling this to my brother..

I could see him clenching his jaws, and I just feel bad that they probably feel bad..

that's what we want girl.

I wish my inner voice would shut up.. I don't want my brothers to blame themselves.. it was nobody's fault, hell I don't even blame mom.

she was madly in love.. and honestly it made me happy to see her happy, but she just did nothing as her husband abuses her daughter..

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