chapter 37

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I was sleeping peacefully at night until I felt something wet underneath me, so long and behold !

blood was all over the place and I tried to scurry to my bathroom to wash up and went into my drawers to find some tampons of some sort and to find it all empty.

dang it! I forgotten to check the supplies - I grab some toilet paper and stuffed into my underwear and I knew I had to do the one thing I hated doing.

going to my brother for help.

my eyes transfixed on the digital clock that read 1:30 a.m. yeah I wish I was sleeping soundly.

I tiptoed down the hallways and since when are the floorboards so loud at night, I managed to make it to Silas's room and I saw some light illuminating from the bottom of the door.

he must be up then, I carefully opened the door and since his bed area was a little dark I walked closer to see if he was sleeping or awake.

as I walked closer I saw two figures, and then realization hits me like a baseball bat.

"PAPA" my voice was raised a little as I was scared and I backed then turning so my back faces him I ran out of his room as I hear a lot of profanity under his breath and him calling after me.

I quickly ran back into my room as I tried to erase the horrendous image out of my head.

I suddenly forgotten all about my period until it bled through my new underwear.

so taking matters into my own hand, I decided to go out and buy some tampons myself.

I'm sure there is convenience stores that are open 24/7, so when I gather my stuff into my little purse I opened my bedroom door and set on getting myself taken care of.

while walking down the dark hallway that had dimly lit lights across the bottom walls, I bumped into my eldest brother.

I shrieked as I try to get away from him, "Princess" is all he says trying to grab hold of me but I wouldn't have it, I didn't want him to touch me.

god knows where his hands or whatever have been- and I struggled against his grasp so much that I did get away from him but I fell down the stairs, it was only 6 steps but I felt hot tears about to spring from tear glands.

the scarring and upsetting feeling of walking in on my brother doing that and now this, I ended up crying like a little baby because I think I bruised my legs and arms.

Silas has always had been quick to my side as he's knelt down beside me, trying to console me.

"no - no!" I cry while pushing him away from me, I didn't want him.

"I am sorry that you had to see that, but let's take care of this okay?" his voice was the same soft spoken and caring, as he carries me bridal style walking back up the stairs and taking me to my bathroom.

I was still crying at the pain, "ow" I say as Silas sets me down on the cushion chair.

"does it hurt when I press here?" Silas traces his finger ever so slightly over my bruised knee.

"Ow!" I winced as the tears were continuing to flow, "god, I'm so sorry baby" he plants a kiss to my temple, for a moment I forgotten all about what happened and my cries turned into sniffles but then I remembered.

so the waterworks managed to spring again, "get away from me" I cry as I attempt to scoot myself away from him but that only sends a shock of pain to my arms.

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