chapter 24

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my eyes glazed towards the white tiled floor, the sounds of machines beeping and I felt completely trapped.

I made one last glance to my eldest brother, and his entire expression was blank, held no warmth or care.

all I saw was the needles being poked into me like some experimental hamster, I didn't want to give up, I had to fight.

I complied with them, and they were gentle, but the machines were beeping more loudly.

I see one of those tubes drawing blood from me, and I begin to feel dizzy.

"That's enough." I hear my eldest brother say, as the lab assistants begin to stop drawing blood.

"Get her apple juice and cookies." He commands the people, for a moment I wanted to believe it was papa.

"Alright. We will do more tomorrow" one of the people in the white suits say as they leave me hooked to this machine.

now it was just me and my brother.

I watch him making his way towards me, and i almost recognize the same caring brother, but it comes in flashes.

"...papa?" i murmur as he's now sitting on the edge of this hospital like bed.

papa begins to open his mouth to say something but then something in his ears beeps and almost like a switch he's back to being cold.

he looks at me and then gets up, retreating away from the room.

as the door shuts, I let out a frustrated scream.

follow along with ripping the iv needles out of my arms and trying to free myself from the machine.

I'm bleeding more and more, and I knew they would come back for daily check ups.

I looked around the room, i see a fan gently moving and then some vents.

the vents were high up.

I need to find Alaric, and get out of here.

papa is a traitor. he poisoned us, he knew. knew...

my visions starts to cloud with tears and I didn't care that my arms were bleeding, it was as if I was back in Stephan's care and how he would hook me up to needles.

I attempted to get off, just then the door opens, and the mean lady is there.

"Well. Well. It looks like that did the trick." she starts to say, what trick?

"Your blood, dna. is the vital part in our antidote" she continues as she starts to clean me up.

"...I can leave now?" i ask weakly, "oh. I suppose you want to be with your family hm?" she says almost mockingly, "...yes" i retorted.

"well. That just won't do." she pauses, "we need you, you are the vital part of this." she concludes.

I was fuming now, "if you care so much about saving others, what about me? am I just going to be discarded when I'm no longer useful?" I went off on her and for a moment her eyes is filled with amusement.

"aha. you are your brother's sister. sometimes, the best comes with a price." she responds, "And this is the price your brother is paying" she adds.

"What?" I thought I knew my brother, what else are they hiding?

"oh. You must be sheltered, guess you will have to find out" she chuckles and with that she exits the room.

my mind is consumed with many questions and I want answers.

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