chapter 16

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laying in my bed, i found comfort in some books, a part of me is glad they haven't slammed open my room, then the other part is disappointed.. that part would be my inner child, they just want the attention.

the cook now hits 8pm, and i have school tomorrow and what was i expecting? i was disrespectful on so many levels, destroying things that weren't to begin with.. maybe i just gotten too comfortable in this place.

i reach over to my nightstand and pull out a notebook and a pen, i began to write down lists of stuff i'd need for when i'm on my own. a moment later, there's knocking at my door, my nerves begin to build up again, now is the moment.

with caution and worry, i open the door, and it's Alaric.

i attempted to keep a neutral expression, it failed though.

"..hi" i say in a hushed voice, i feel like a mouse that just led the cat to its' home.

alaric's expression was unreadable and he made his way into my room, and he speaks in a low and quiet manner, "Let's talk" and i fidget with my digits, and so we made it the sitting area of my room, a sofa with one of those fluffy and comfy foot cushioning.

i avoid all eye contact, "Izzy" was the first thing i hear, so.. he isn't mad at me? my face is contorted with confusion and regret.

"yeah?" i responded all the confidence i had before was gone.

"I understand why you are upset with us" he starts, i don't say anything, he sighs.

"I completely disagree with how Silas handle this, i don't see any problem with you being friends with boys," and he folds his hands, "or any gender for that matter."

" why didn't you defend me?" i found the courage to speak out again, just in a dialed down way, "..i know, it's just, What Silas says, goes. Even if i am the second eldest, he could've kicked me out to live off by myself, but he didn't" yeah i always wondered why they live together like alaric is 23, he should be on his own.

"Izzy. Look at me please" he urges, and so i made eye contact, his face softens and he seems sad.

"I've always been a coward, i hate conflict." he continues, "Then, why are you here?" i went straight to the point, is he just lingering the process in punishing me?

"Ok. You have offended Silas. All  I ask is you, go and apologize." he pulls me into a hug, "or there will be consequences you will face." he stated as he releases me.

as i watch him leave my room, i suddenly call out, "wait! how mad is he? mad mad to the point i'd be dead on sight or mad or what" i question, i want to make it right, even if it means saying sorry.

alaric stops in his track and doesn't turn around, but only says "That's for you to find out." and with that he closes my bedroom door.

You should run away i kept replaying the scene and i just, i am toast.

i'm dead meat.

my breathing quickens and i pace more in my room, and i made it out my room. I nervously made it down the looming and foreboding hallway towards his office, it's as if i'm being swallowed by a whale, just down the esophagus.

Turn back. You still have the chance no go another voice is introduced which leaves me conflicted.

I begin to get anxious and i want to cry, but i know i cant. i take a deep breath as i made it the office door, now the last part.. open the door, as i open the door, i see that Silas is standing by the windowsill as if he was expecting me to arrive.

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