chapter 30

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Memories came crashing into me, 

" you don't mind calling you papa?" 


"Papa look" 

"papa am I pretty?" 

"..papa!! am sorry" 

"Papa! I love you" 

My little girl. 

my head was throbbing from the pain but I remembered, the memories were flooding, images like motion moving pictures, I could picture each of the events and all this time.. when my heart was aching, it was because it remembers, and my brain was so slow and behind. 

I turn towards the sound of doors opening and in my head I was seeing a little girl running up to me as I held her in my embrace, 

"My babygirl, I missed you so much" god I miss her more than life, and now - I feel reunited and my heart doesn't ache anymore. 

reality sets in and my little girl who will be 15 in just a week... I kissed her all over as if I wouldn't see her again. 

In my peripheral vision I saw Alaric tearing up, then I motioned for him to join us in a group hug. 

"I'm never going to take you for granted again" are the first words he utters as he embraces us and I smiled at my little family. 

I broke the cycle..the cycle of having to walk away from my family, I never felt happier than before. 

"I love you guys so much" 

after a few moments, we let go and my princess doesn't want to let me go, I chuckle at her cuteness. 

"What if I told you I need to go shower?" I murmur to her and she still wouldn't let go, "then you take me with you" she says with determination in her eyes and I just laugh. 

"you really are stubborn" I give her a pat on the head, "nuhuh" she sticks her tongue out and with that she goes running off because she knew how much I didn't like that, and she was right. 

I just found it amusing as I go chasing after my little girl and so the rest of the day was blissful. 

|| The day before August 15th ||

"Baby come on, it isn't that bad" I struggle as we're face to face; her birthday dress in my hand as she is opposite of me, she didn't want to wear the dress. 

"Just let's see how it is before the real day?" I pleaded, and I was adamant on getting her into the dress, "I don't wanna" she whines and I felt like facing her toddler self again, not wanting to wear clothes. 

"Whoa what's happening in here, it looks like a craft store explosion" Alaric chimes in as he steps into her room and takes time to assess  the situation. 

"She doesn't want to wear this dress" I show him and I thought he'd try to convince her to wear it as well... turns out he's on her side. 

"yeah, I wouldn't either, look at that? it looks so- it's too simple" he says and I relook at the dress, they're right. 

it needs to be more extravagant. 

"okay. let's go dress shopping" I mentioned and with that she was immediately at my side and I gave an exasperated sigh. 

"You really just love my wallet" I muttered as we made our way towards the car. 

Our chauffeur, Victor opens the doors for us, and at times like this I'm so thankful to have such a loyal staff, he could easily just turn away but regardless of all the turmoils he's a real one. 

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