chapter 26

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I was sleeping peacefully through the drive back home, and I felt myself getting carried out and then I hear voices speaking in hushed tones, and I remained asleep as I was beginning to hear ...Silas's voice but I must have been extremely tired from the jet lag, so I didn't bother waking up as I felt myself getting placed under my bed covers. 

a few hours must have gone by, and I finally awaken and I strolled out of my bedroom and I thought I was seeing things as I notice that Papa's room was very illuminated, the lights were on, "...maybe ghosts do exist" I mutter under my breath, I walked closer and I heard showering, and I was quick to find Alaric. 

"Ric!" I hollered for and he's just walking up the stairs as he meets me, I'm still in my nightgown as he turns his attention to me, "...have I gone officially insane" I utter to him and he shakes his head. 

"no, you were right, Silas was never dead." he remarks, and I have no idea what I was feeling... 

"what? and you're okay with that?" I was horrified to say the least, I don't know why I'm not happy! 

"..listen although he is back with us, there is something strange with him" Alaric says in a whisper, "what? -what do you mean-" I begin to question but just then, I hear footsteps going our way, it's Silas. 

"Papa" my body naturally calls out to him as I run up to him like a little kid, regardless of Alaric's warning, however, he pushes me away. 

"Who are you."  he coldly states as he practically shoves me off of him, 

"'s me? you're baby sister" I plea with him, but suddenly he clasps the side of his head as he wants me out of his sight, and Alaric is quick to bring me away from him, 

"...What" I was heartbroken, my supposed brother who was pronounced dead, doesn't even remember me? 

...I wasn't sure what hurt more, the thought of him being dead or him not remembering me at all.. tears began to well, "baby, I told you that he isn't himself, he's suffering from terrible amnesia.." Alaric explains to me, and I was in distraught that I hated that feeling of being rejected by my own brother who was a father to me. 


I grimaced as I saw the two interact, I knew that he was suffering from amnesia, and to be frank I felt like this is my fault, I've been in the rush to go back home without thinking much of anything...I knew from the start that Silas wasn't dead, but it had been so much easier to just say he's dead than to live with only a shell of who he used to be.. I wasn't lying when I said that Silas was dead, the Silas we knew was dead.. and it must be grieving for his loss was easy.

The doctors said that the explosion caused severe damages to him, and many of being brain damage due to the serum that they found corroding away in him. 

"damnit, why. how idiotic of him to work with those people" I clenched my fist as I hit the punching bag in the fitness space, the look on Izzy's face was heartbreaking, and it broke my heart more to realize how damaging it is to take her back to...well this shell of our brother. 

I looked back to the doctor's note, 

1: Make no contact with the patient unless approached upon.

 2: Headaches will be prevalent under familiar territory 

3: The patient is has full function, isolated memory limited .

4: Personality changes may be recognized.

5: it will take 30 days to 3 months for recovery 

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