chapter 5

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the look on her face was really the reason why I let her decorate her room.. I didn't think that it'd be an issue for her, i thought she'd love the idea of not having to lift a finger.

I guess she's really just like me, i like to do things on my own, I even drive myself to work, but some days I'm too tired, so our chauffeur to our family makes a lot of money.

she arrives and she takes a seat furthest away from us, and i have to remind her, even though it's the second day, i just don't know how to communicate to her.

"When school ends, neither I or Alaric will be home, and I trust that you can handle yourself?" i say as I look at her, seeing if how she reacts.

"okay, i stay home alone all the time." she says like it isn't a big deal, and I can't help myself but darken my eyes.

it's been two days since our mother passed away, and just hearing that, I want to know what her home life was like.

"well, don't think it's going to be a everyday occurence" i proceeded to say, Alaric doesn't say anything as he's immersed in his food.

Alaric is the type of guy who will fall in love with any girl who can cook, because a stomach is the key to a man's heart, at least for him.

I on the other hand, can't understand the concept of love, or know to love on others.

"ahem, yeah" and dinner was finished.

she clears her area up really good, even though she doesn't need to do that, but I guess you can't break habits.

for the time being, I'll just let her do whatever she wants, and i retrieved back to my home office, sometime has passed since dinner time and Alaric is probably doing who knows what, I hear the office door creep open, which alerts me.

"you can't sleep?" i see my little princess making her way towards me, the clock read 10pm.

"I'm nervous. I am starting in the middle of the year" she starts to say, and I set aside the paper I was reading, closing my laptop, giving her my utmost attention.

"what makes you nervous?" i ask her as she sits down on one of the armchairs in the office, "just.. the kids, and new school, new country" she mumbles, avoiding my eye contact.

I get up from my swivel chair and begin making my way towards her, "hm, do you want me to walk in with you?" i suggested, I was overstepping my boundaries, why did I ask that..

"really? never mind.. I can go with Alaric" she says, and my heart aches.

"I mean.. I want both of you" she continues, and I hid my excitement.

"very well. no need to be nervous then" I say, and she nods, then she excuses herself and exits my office.


ugh! my mission might as well be aborted, i can't seem to avoid my brothers... I'm just so nervous, it's a all girls school, and I was bullied a lot back in the states, and I'm just scared.

so who did I go to? fucking Silas, cause he seems like the type that can help me out, i just think Alaric is fun and games, then Silas is the serious and dad kinda person.

I was happy that both of them can walk me in, that's the part where my inner child wins, and is celebrating, me on the other hand? im absolutely embarrassed!

I cant imagine walking into year 9 (8th grade) with two tall men.

I won't even be surprised if the girls end up drooling for my brothers, after the little talk I had with Silas, I was able to sleep.

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