chapter 3

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the airport is so massive, and when we approached the end of the walk way, I saw two tall men in suits, waiting.

'holy shit, they're my brothers?' is the first thing that came to mind, they were all dressed really fancy, and were decent looking, I am so glad I don't have ugly brothers, not that it matters but I'm a bit narcissistic.

now, for our plan to go into action, act really shy, dumb, and try to avoid any confrontation.

when we left the airport, I kept quiet, and I saw Silas, and part of me wanted to just hug him like a little kid, then I reminded myself that they broke their promise.

and when we arrive at their place, I was so impressed, like a massive castle basically, they have their own driver, and workers!

what the hell do they do for a job, cause I want that.

when we enter the place, i feel myself gawking at everything, the beautiful chandeliers, and then i notice a woman, she gave me the most disgusted look, does she think im trying to get with my own brother?

obviously when she's asking who i am, i took the liberty to be a bitch, and say that i can make her go from a girlfriend to an ex real quick, and for a moment i felt like i was finally home.

I saw my second brother, Alaric, he's been silent the entirety of meeting me, he never introduced himself and i am suppose to make them feel hurt and somehow alaric is doing a fine job at avoiding me.

but when i showed that woman up, who by the way is the girlfriend to Silas, I hear Alaric laughing along with Silas, and it brought me back to when i was 5 and i poured water onto silas and Alaric just laughed at my mischief.

and i felt myself losing character, but i was quick to go back into the 'make them feel sorry' for me act.

Silas then breaks up with that woman, and i can't believe that she had the audacity to call me a bitch, but i can use this chance to make myself look really pitiful, i want them to feel sorry for not even trying to visit me.

shortly after that whole scene, Silas leads me to my new bedroom, and i was amazed, he even said it wasn't prepared and i was like 'the fuck? it looks splendid already' but i held myself back, and just nodded when he says i can decorate it and that i just need to send the list and items i wanted to the butler.

"Isabella, We're really happy to have you back." Silas starts to say, and this is the part i want to avoid, the confrontational setting.

" if. You guys didn't try to visit me" I say without thinking, and a flash of panic covers my face, i have to play dumb

"so you remember" Silas says, okay now he is getting too cocky, and arrogant. ugh.

"Remember what? I don't know what you're on about." I insisted, i can't blow my cover day one.

"Okay. Well, you're here now, dinner will be in 3 hours" he says and he leaves me to my room.

I went towards the bed and just admired the bedroom, the walk in bathroom was massive, it even has a jacuzzi and a whole separate room for the toilet, and then the bathroom was full of led lights that with a switch of a button i can have any colors i want.

that's pretty dope. i may not like my brothers right now, but i sure do love this place, gives off such a modern and refreshing vibes, it was better than that stupid ranch style home. i exited the bathroom and onto the walk in dressing room, it had a island for who knows what, then along the dressing room are the hangers, drawers, and long mirrors, then a place for shoes, it had every storage for anything.

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